The Field

The Field by Lynne McTaggart

Book: The Field by Lynne McTaggart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynne McTaggart
March 19, 1987: 40-3.
    Wolf, F. A., The Body Quantum: The New Physics of Body Mind, and Health (London: Heinemann, 1987).
    Wolfe, T., The Right Stuff (London: Picador, 1990).
    Youbicier-Simo, B. J. et al ., ‘Effects of embryonic bursectomy and in ovo administration of highly diluted bursin on an adrenocorticotropic and immune response to chick ens’, International Journal of Immunotherapy , 1993; IX: 169-80.
    Zeki, S., A Vision of the Brain (Oxford: Blackwell Scientific, 1993).
    Zohar, D. The Quantum Self (London: Flamingo, 1991).

    The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific passage, please use your e-book reader’s search tools.
    Achuar Indians 125, 226
    action at a distance see nonlocality
    acupuncture 55
    acupuncture points 55
    Alcubierre, Miguel 220
    alternative medicine 226
    anticipation 169-70
    Apollo 14 mission 5-9
    archetypes 121, 134
    Aristotle 22
    artificial intelligence 222-3
    ArtREG 120-21
    Australian Aborigines 226
    background sea of energy 21, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35-6
    Backster, Cleve 144-5, 146
    basophil degranulation study 60-65, 70
    Beams, H.W. 48
    Becker, Dr. Robert O. 48, 55, 67
    Benveniste, Jacques 60-73, 122, 221-2, 227
    Bernstein, Nicolai 87
    Bessent, Malcolm 167
    Bierman, Dick 169, 173, 209-10
    biofeedback 126, 132
    biophoton emissions 40, 41-4, 47, 49-55, 59-60, 223
and the brain 92
signature frequencies 66, 67, 70
    biorhythms 50
    body, light in see biophoton emissions
    Bohm, David 94, 136, 174
    Bohr, Niels xv-xvi, 24-5, 102, 220
    Bose-Einstein condensate 43
    Boyer, Timothy 20, 25, 27
and biophoton emissions 92
function 79-81, 88, 92-3, 95-6
heightened perception 134-7, 158-9
and memory 77-9, 82, 85-6, 95
wave interference patterns 82-3, 84-8, 95-6
    Braud, William 126-39, 133-9, 172, 175, 181, 183, 194, 223, 226
    Broglie, Louis de 102, 118
    Burr, Harold S. 47-8
    Byrd, Randolph 186-7, 192
biophoton emissions in
patients 50-51
and healing 182, 185
mistletoe remedy for 54
    carcinogens 39-42
    Casimir forces 26-7, 219, 220, 221
    Casimir, Hendrik 26
communication, through
signalling 67-70, 222
differentiation 44-6, 48-9
gestaltbildung 47
mitogenetic radiation 47, 49-50
    Chauvin, Remy 105
    Church, Bill 17-19, 20, 144, 145
    clairvoyance 146-60
    Clarke, Arthur C. 33-4, 36, 221
    coherence 118, 121-2, 138-9
    personal, extension 122
see also quantum coherence
coherent domains 69
    Cole, Daniel 34, 219
    complementarity 102
    consciousness 12, 103-5, 104, 111, 115, 127-8, 227
altered states 134-9
coherence of 118, 121-2, 138-9
collective 199-214, 226
Field-REG experiments 202-12
and healing 181, 195
immortality 195-6
nature of 91-6, 148
space/time effects 174-5
    Copenhagen interpretation 102-3
    creativity 95-6, 122, 214
    cumulative deviation analysis 113-14
    current of injury 48
    Darwin, Charles xiv-xv, 13
    Davenas, Elisabeth 60-62, 65
    Davies, Paul 31
    Dawkins, Richard 45, 46
    Del Giudice, Emilio 69, 94
    delayed luminescence 50
    Descartes, René xxiv, xxvi, xxix, 66
    DeValois, Karen 86
    DeValois, Russell 86, 87
    digital biology 66-9
    dilution 61-4, 70-71
    distant (remote) healing 181-2, 183-4
    DNA 44-5
and biophoton emissions 40, 44, 49, 51-2
    dreams 125-7, 134, 139, 166-7, 226
    Dunne, Brenda 112-16, 118-21, 134, 155-6, 159, 164-5, 172, 202, 223
    E = mc 2 19, 32-3
    Earth, ElectroGaiaGram (EGG) 212-13
    Eccles, Sir John 82
    effect sizes 117
    Einstein, Albert xxiv, 12, 19, 23, 27, 33, 34, 79, 220
    electrical fields, around
organisms 48-50
    ElectroGaiaGram (EGG) 212-13
    electromagnetic fields 22, 28
in animal tissue 49
in the body 48, 55
health and agriculture use 222
    ELF hypothesis 157
exchange 36
new sources 218-20
see also E = mc 2
    energy field, explanation xiii-xiv
    engrams 77
    Ennis, Graham 217, 218
    Ennis, Prof. Madelene 70-71
    Erwin, Dr. William 125
    ESP 104, 126-8, 136, 147
Apollo 14 experiment 8-9
card/dice tests 101, 105
in plants 144-5
remote viewing program 146-60
staring experiments

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