The Field

The Field by Lynne McTaggart Page B

Book: The Field by Lynne McTaggart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynne McTaggart
    prions 222
    pseudo random event
generators 170
    psychic healing 184-5
    psychokinesis 35, 105, 107-9, 110, 128, 134
    Puthoff, Hal 17-36, 143-50, 152, 153-5, 157-8, 160, 163, 172-3, 174, 181, 183, 217, 219, 220, 223, 224, 227
    Quantitative Structure-Activity
Relationship (QSAR) 66
    quantum coherence 43, 49, 50, 93
    quantum field theory 23
    quantum holography 90
    quantum mechanics 25
    quantum memory 95
    quantum particles 10-11
    quantum physics xxv-xxvii, 10-12, 43, 102-3, 118, 224
    Radin, Dean 116, 167-70, 173, 199-201, 207-8, 223
    Randi, James 64
    Random Event Generators see REG
    random number generator see RNG
    randomness 102-3
    reality, observer effects 104, 118, 122, 138
    REG studies 112-19, 128, 201-2
Field-REG experiments 202-12
and O.J. Simpson trial 200, 208, 213
remote viewing studies 165
retrospective effects 170-72
television 207-9
Wagner 209
    regeneration 48, 51-2
    regression therapy 138
    Reilly, Dr David 71
    relaxation 132, 134, 138, 155, 193
    remote viewing program 146-60, 163-6
in observer effect
experiments 118-19, 120
in REG studies 115, 206-7
    retrocognition 165
    Rhine, Dr. Joseph B. 8, 101-6, 109, 111, 113, 127
    RNG experiments 105-10, 168
    Roberfroid, Prof. M. 70
    Röntgen, Wilhelm 39, 40
    Roosa, Stu 7, 8
    Rueda, Alfonso 30-32, 33, 34
    Ruth, Bernhard 42
    sacred sites 205-7
    Sakharov, Andrei 27-8, 33
    scalar waves 173-4
    Schempp, Walter 88-91, 95, 222
    Schlitz, Marilyn 132-3, 183
    Schmeidler, Gertrude 145
    Schmidt, Helmut 101-9, 111, 116, 122, 128, 168, 170-71, 172
    Schnitta, Deb 193, 195
    Schrödinger, Erwin xxv-xxvi
    Schwarz, Prof. Gary 195
    scrambling see frequencies, scrambling
    sea of energy see background
sea of energy
    seed moments 175
    SHARP team 33-4
    Sheldrake, Rupert 46-7
    Shepard, Alan 5, 6, 7
    shielding 136
    Shoulders, Ken 29-30
    Sicher, Fred 183-4, 189, 190, 192
    signature effects 116, 157-8
    signature frequencies 66-9, 70
    Smith, Cyril 67
    Solfvin, Gerald 185-6
    sonoluminescence 219-20
    space travel 24, 34-5, 217-21
    Spiegel, David 182
    spontaneous emission 27, 219
    SQUID (superconducting
quantum interference
device) 143-6
    Stanford, Rex 186
    staring experiments 130-3
    Stewart, Walter 64
    stress 51
    subconscious mind 121
    succussion 62, 69-70
    superradiance 70, 93-4, 121, 139, 211
    Swann, Ingo 144, 145-6, 147, 148-50, 152-3, 160
    synchronicities 135, 137, 214
    Szent-Györgyi, Albert 49
    Targ, Elizabeth 181-95, 223
    Targ, Russell 148, 150-55, 157-8, 160, 163, 183-4
    Tart, Charles 127, 131, 134
    telepathy 126-7, 133, 134, 135
    therapeutic touch 186
    thought, nature of 126, 175, 201
    time 164-75
    Transcendental Meditation 135, 211-12
    transparency, self-induced 93
    Turner, Hank 149-50
    Ullman, Montague 127
    uncertainty principle 19, 20, 21
    unconscious mind 121, 127, 159, 160
and EDA tests 130-31
    unified theory 28, 36, 224
    Unruh, William 31
    Utts, Jessica 160
    the vacuum 19-20, 21, 26, 31-3, 34
see also Zero Point Field
    Vaitl, Dieter 209
    van der Waals, Johannes
Diderik 27
    van der Waals effect 27
    ‘virtual particles’ 19-20, 21-2, 23
    WARP drives 220-21
coherent domains 69
memory of 61, 63-6, 69, 70-72
superradiance 70
    wave theory 25-6, 27, 28-9, 103
coherence 43
interference 35-6, 82-3, 84-8, 95-6
    weather 210-11
    Wheeler-Feynman absorber
theory 173
    wishing 122, 138
    wormholes 218, 221
    Yasue, Kunio 70, 92-3
    Zero Point Field xxvii, 19-36
access, and achievement 139
fluctuations 21, 35, 219, 220
information in 159-60
and memory 90
MRI use 90-91
space propulsion use 217-21
    zero-point particle motion
( zitterbewegung ) 21-2, 27-9
    Zohar, Danah xiv

    T HIS BOOK GOT STARTED eight years ago, when in the course of my work I kept bumping up against miracles. Not miracles in the ordinary sense of the term, where the seas part or loaves of bread exponentially multiply, but miracles, nonetheless, in their utter violation of the way we think the world works. The miracles that I came across had to do with hard scientific evidence concerning methods of

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