Lord Love a Duke
less from talent than from repetition." The Viscount
stepped easily into her path to block her escape.

    "Repetition only increased the talent you
already possess, more likely. I must insist, as I know everyone
wishes me to, that you continue to play for us, Lady Juliet. I for
one have not heard Beethoven played with such ability or beauty.
Please play again." He grabbed her hand and again pressed a kiss
there, his lips lingering a little longer than necessary, in her
opinion. He moved to usher her back to the bench as she dropped her
head to hide her distaste and embarrassment.

    "I really dislike playing for crowds and
prefer to inflict my music only on my family. Please allow me to
thank you for your compliments, but I must insist someone else play
now." She politely but firmly pulled her hand from his grasp and
sidestepped her way back to the window seat and Miranda. They
surreptitiously grabbed hands between the folds of their skirts in
strengthening reassurance of each other. Miranda cast a pleading
glance at her mother, who immediately stood and took control of the

    "As I am sure none of the rest of us want to
try to follow that performance, which was Mozart, by the by," she
said with a smile at the Viscount, "I suggest we group up to play
some cards." She nodded at several footmen and immediately four
tables with chairs were arranged, with cards supplied for whist and
Vingt-et-un. "Grab a partner!" she called out cheerily.

    "That odious Melville. I'm not sure how he
managed an invitation to this party. I thought my brother
thoroughly vetted his guest list for suitable marriage partners. As
if I would ever entertain a suit from that bounder," Miranda
whispered to Juliet. "Even if you discount the rumors of his
debauchery at the bawdy houses, it is common knowledge that he is
slowly gambling his fortune away at the tables and track. He may be
heir to an earldom, but what will be left to inherit? And to
confuse Beethoven with Mozart!" she gave an unladylike snort and
rolled her eyes.

    Juliet smothered a laugh. "Many people are
guilty of confusing composers of music when they play no instrument

    "Yes, but they rarely open their mouths to
give voice to their ignorance. His shallow flattery was meant to
inflate himself, not commend you."

    "I realize that, and agree that the Viscount
is a profligate. You might ask your brother how his name came to be
on the guest list. I am not averse to knowing his sister better,
however. I am sure she has a terrible time of it with that man as
her entrée into Society.” Juliet smiled softly, fatigue showing in
the fall of her shoulders and slight droop to her eyes. “I am going
to bow out of the rest of the entertainment for the evening. My
nerves are thoroughly finished, between the pianoforte and the
other." Juliet took a deep breath and released a tired sigh.

    Io le tue scuse. La proverbiale pistola è
caricata. Ora dobbiamo attendere per il primo assaggio di mio
fratello, denti blu.
    I will make your excuses. The proverbial gun
is loaded. Now we wait for first glimpse of my brother's blue

    Juliet laughed gently and gave her friend a
quick hug. "I will see you at breakfast then. It should be

Chapter Fifteen
The common curse of mankind – folly and

William Shakespeare, Troilus and Cressida,
Act 2, Scene 3

    After her early night Juliet was surprised
at how well and long she had slept. She awoke with a desire to see
the fruition of their joke, yet dreaded its discovery all the same.
Hopefully, the Duke would suspect his fellow lords; when he
inevitably discovered their guilt, she feared his response. He had
been very polite towards her of late, seeming to finally see her as
an adult, or at least no longer seeing her as the gangly tomboy she
had been.

    She involuntarily cringed as a
nearly-forgotten memory washed over her. She was twelve, an
ungainly mixture of arms, legs, and blossoming figure. The Duke, or
as he was known

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