Fire and Ice

Fire and Ice by J. E. Christer

Book: Fire and Ice by J. E. Christer Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. E. Christer
clapping loudly when they bowed to the audience.  There were side stalls with coloured flags draped across them tempting people to buy pies and sweetmeats, while others were set out with combs and brooches.  Juliana pointed to one she liked and immediately one of the men would buy it for her, which delighted her initially, but then she was wary not to point out too much, as Ulfric had already made his position clear about his hard-earned money.
    It was evening time when they arrived back at their lodgings where a messenger from the King was waiting to invite them to dine with him that evening, which threw Juliana into a frenzy of trying on different gowns and asking which would be suitable.  Ulfric thought they were all very good, but she threw them on the bed and wept.
    “Juliana, why are you crying?  You look perfect in all of these gowns.  Please put on the lilac one, it suits your colouring.”
    “No!  I will wear the green – it will bring out the colour of my eyes.  Do you think the King will like it?” she asked, unsure of herself yet again.
    “The King will love everything about you, now come on or we’ll be late.  The sun is already low in the sky.”
    Ulfric waited downstairs for another half an hour until, pacing the floor and uttering oaths under his breath while Thorvald laughed at him.  “You should have left her at Bertone, Ulfric.”
    “If I thought de Gant would not try and get back to her before I could, I would gladly have left her behind.   I’d forgotten how trying women could be!”
    He heard a gasp from Thorvald and turned round to see Juliana, a vision in dark green velvet, gold braiding running down the sides and under her breasts.  Her fiery red hair had been combed into submission and was shining with gold and green ribbons trailing from her head rail.  Her feet were clad in gold coloured kid slippers with green trim and Ulfric felt his heart quicken and held his breath while he surveyed his lady.
    “My dear Juliana, you are beautiful and well worth the wait, but we must hurry now.”  He dropped a kiss onto her lips and she smiled winsomely, pleased with his reaction.
    The royal court was assembled at the Bishop of Lincoln’s Hall, which was the biggest and grandest house available to them.  Tapestries festooned the walls, and tables were set around the room.  The King himself had claimed the central seat of the long table and posed a formidable figure on the large carved seat.  His knights were positioned at intervals along the tables with local dignitaries and their ladies or daughters sitting between them.  The meal was about to begin when Ulfric and Thorvald arrived with Juliana.  Their names were given to a page who announced their arrival in a loud voice but nobody took any notice until the King rose to his feet and beckoned for Ulfric and Thorvald to come to him.
    Juliana stayed and waited in the background and a lump came to her throat as she watched Ulfric kneel before his King and kiss his ring.  She was very proud of him at that moment and her heart softened towards him once more.  Her mind began to wander as she thought of how wonderful their lives could be together if only he would change his mind and marry her.  Her musings were such that she was caught off-guard when Ulfric approached and took her arm, leading her towards the King to be presented.  She felt her colour rise as she curtsied before William and blood rushed to her face and neck making her ears ring.  What would he think of her, she wondered.  How could Ulfric present her like this, with no wedding ring on her finger, the King would know she was a whore and think her shameful to have accompanied one of her knights to this gathering of Norman nobility.  Her head began to spin and her face paled at the thought of her shame, but the King was speaking to her and she had not heard a word he had said.
    “Pardon, your majesty.  I am overcome by your welcome and I think I took

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