Fire and Ice

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Book: Fire and Ice by J. E. Christer Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. E. Christer
cathedral outside of the castle which will be one of my offerings to God for delivering England to me – to us!  Craftsmen will be employed from near and far, I want the best men to work on it and the people will also help to bring the stone in and shape it.  Plans have been drawn up and I have given my approval.  The people can pay their tithe in labour as well as coin until the construction is complete and I will need to leave the supervision of this work to all of you.”
    The assembly looked around, some of them shrugging their shoulders as if to say they knew nothing about building, so what could they do. 
    “Sir Ulfric and Sir Thorvald,” the King went on, “You will divide your time between here and your lands further north.  There is still a threat from the Norse warriors north of the Humber and the men will need good leadership.  De Gant, you too will take your turn here before I decide what to do with you.”
    William looked pointedly at Sir Richard de Gant and it was noted by all that he did n ot use his title to address him.  De Gant had not missed the slight and made an exaggerated bow.  “You can depend on me to get the best out of the workforce, my liege,” he smiled ingratiatingly.
    Silence fell in the room but William chose to ignore the jibe this once, knowing that de Gant was spoiling for a fight and of his reputation as a cruel leader on and off the battlefield.  He had noticed the knight’s attentions to the lady Juliana earlier in the day and saw how she had stiffened at his approach, and wondered what had occurred to make her so nervous around him.
    The King continued to speak about his plans for the shire in broader terms but Ulfric had stopped listening, wondering how he could keep Juliana safe from de Gant.  His mind worked overtime but was brought back to the present by a nudge from Thorvald.  Ulfric started and looked around noting that the King was looking at him expectantly.
    “Forgive me your majesty.  I was thinking about er... Bertone,” he said hastily.
    The King smiled benignly knowing that Ulfric was probably wondering about Juliana, “Relax, sir knight, your lady will be presented to you at dinner tonight.”
    The assembly began to laugh and Ulfric’s colour rose but he smiled with them and eventually laughed out loud, “You know me too well, your majesty,” he said in response.
    William smiled at his favourite and nodded, “I was saying that I would like you to reconstruct the tower of St Peter’s church in Bertone.  The current spire is of a wooden construction I believe and the Bishop tells me it is constantly in need of upkeep.  I want you to oversee the construction of a stone tower which will weather the storms better than wood.  Monies will be given to the Bishop to finance the changes.  Now, do you have any questions?”
    “No, Sire.  The priest, Father Matthew, will be grateful for a new roof I’m sure.  He complains frequently about the water dripping through the spire.”
    “He has every right to complain, Ulfric.  It is your duty to see to the spiritual and physical comforts of your priest.”
    “Yes , your majesty.”
    Ulfric was suitably chastened but the meeting dragged on and it was early evening before they were released to find their ease in the grounds of the fine house and it was in the gardens where he finally met with Juliana.  He saw her from a distance laughing and playing with a small white dog whose fur was thick and looked soft to the touch. 
    “Juliana!” he called, seeing her turn in answer to her name.  His heart began to pound in his chest and he hastened to her side.
    “Ulfric,” Juliana smiled at him.  “Look at this pup, isn’t he beautiful.  The King said I can keep him as a gift.  I’ll call him Kyle – what do you think?”
    “He’s certainly a good dog and I cannot gainsay what the King has already given.  If he pleases you, you may keep him.”
    Juliana squealed her delight and Ulfric was

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