Fire and Ice

Fire and Ice by J. E. Christer Page A

Book: Fire and Ice by J. E. Christer Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. E. Christer
too much sun today.”
    William raised her from her curtsey and lifted her hand onto his arm, leading her to the central table where, he told her, she would take a seat beside him with Ulfric and Thorvald on the other side.  She calmed her nerves at his kind manner but noticed Ulfric’s frown deepen as the servants led them over to their chairs.
    The King rose and proclaimed, “My people, I am deeply honoured to be with you and I have great plans for this town which I have discussed at length with your Bishop and Reeve.  I will reveal these plans eventually but for now let the feasting begin.”
    Servants rushed around bringing course after course of finely cooked food for their pleasure and Juliana was delighted by the King’s chivalrous demeanour, and he was delighted with her knowledge of his own language.  When he was not speaking with her he was complimenting Ulfric on choosing such a beautiful and talented lady but Ulfric himself did not seem to appreciate his King’s words.  After one such conversation he scowled and frowned to such an extent that Thorvald clapped him on the back and laughed, “Enjoy yourself, Ulfric.  The King is happy with you and will no doubt give you more land around Bertone if you ask him nicely.”
    “I care not for more land,” Ulfric muttered, “he’s just told me he’s keeping Juliana at court for a while and will send for her trunk tomorrow.  He is too delighted with her and wants to know her better.”
    “You have nothing to fear from William.  He is totally committed to Matilda and will not dream of a dalliance with the fair Juliana.”
    “I know that!” Ulfric snapped.  “But de Gant is here and I don’t trust him an inch.”
    Thorvald looked around the room and spied de Gant eating quietly and drinking his wine sparingly, but all the time looking at Juliana from under his brows.  “I see what you mean,” Thorvald said worriedly.
    “I’ve a good mind to slap his face with my gauntlets and wipe that smirk off it.”
    “No, you must not let William see your anger with de Gant.  You know he likes to think his knights all get on well.”
    “I have a bad feeling about this, Thorvald.”  Ulfric threw down the meat he had been eating, his appetite completely gone.

Chapter 10
    Ulfric received orders to attend meetings the following day and his spirits recovered with the hope he might see Juliana and perhaps be allowed to speak with her.  The previous night had been a cold and lonely one, feeling the loss of his lady deeply by her absence.  By the time they set off, Thorvald was silently contemplating Ulfric’s demise due to his bad temper.  His men had felt the brunt of his anger and were sent out to practice their drill, even though there was no need and they had been given leave to attend the fair that day so grumbles abounded.  Ulfric dressed in his finest clothes and he and Thorvald presented themselves at court, but he was to be disappointed as the only glimpse he saw of Juliana was her back as she walked with the other ladies of the court.  She was wearing a woollen gown the colour of golden amber and he could see it was her because he knew those curves so well.
    The King called his knights, advisors and local dignitaries to order,  “My lords and ladies, I have called you here today to unveil my plans for this town.  If you have been into the centre of the upper town you will know that I have ordered the present wooden fortress to be taken down and replaced with a stone structure, built by Norman and Saxon alike.  There are many skilful craftsmen who can contribute to making this town a fortified city, and my men will be garrisoned here, work has already begun and I am hoping another year will see it complete.”
    The King paused to give his words time to register then continued, “I have also taken counsel and advice from the Bishop of Lincoln, who reminds me of the spiritual needs of the men and townspeople here.  I intend to construct a

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