Lorik The Defender (The Lorik Trilogy)

Lorik The Defender (The Lorik Trilogy) by Toby Neighbors Page A

Book: Lorik The Defender (The Lorik Trilogy) by Toby Neighbors Read Free Book Online
Authors: Toby Neighbors
Tags: Sci Fi & Fantasy
possibility that protecting everyone isn’t your responsibility?” Vera said, stirring the pot of porridge she was cooking.
    “I don’t want to debate this with you,” Lorik said.
    “Too bad. If you want my help, you’ll at least do me the courtesy of explaining why you think committing suicide is the right course of action.”
    “I’m not planning on committing suicide,” Lorik said.
    “No, you’re just going to face an army with a couple dozen farmers turned soldiers. What do you really expect to accomplish?”
    “If Issalyn can get King Ricard to bring his army to the border, then most of these refugees could find safety in Baskla. But what if the enemy gets here before that? What if King Ricard is slow to arrive? My only priority at this point is to give him time to get here. Then, and only then, do we have a chance of defeating this horde.”
    “You have all the answers, don’t you?” she said, her anger simmering just below the surface. “You won’t listen to how foolish your plan is.”
    “Okay, tell me,” Lorik said.
    “You can’t stop an army. You tried that before, remember.”
    “I do,” Lorik said. “And you’re right, I got in over my head, but it was still the right thing to do. I was saved by the wizard from Yelsia, but he might have just flown right by us if I hadn’t been in danger. And as I recall, between myself, the wizard, and his dragon, we did turn back an entire army.”
    “You won’t have a wizard or his dragon,” Vera argued.
    “No, but my power is growing. The Drery Dru said that what happened with the Leffer wasn’t an isolated incident.”
    “The what?”
    “The Leffer, that’s what they called the horse monsters.”
    “So now you think you can defeat entire armies by yourself?”
    “I won’t be by myself,” Lorik argued. “I’ll have a group of trained fighters with me. We’ll be mounted. We can move fast, strike hard, then retreat. I don’t have to stop the evil witch’s army, I just need to slow it down. We’d be sending out scouts to find out exactly what we’re facing, but this way I can see the enemy for myself.”
    “Don’t try to convince me of the wisdom of your plan,” Vera said. “I only see a lot of people dying. You know Liam will go with you,” she said in a quieter tone. “He chooses you every time. He won’t listen to reason.”
    “I won’t let him go,” Lorik said. “I think he should go with Queen Issalyn. She’ll need a proper guard, and he can take his pick of the volunteers.”
    Vera just laughed.
    “What?” Lorik asked.
    “You know he won’t do it. He won’t guard the queen while you go out and fight the enemy. If you think he will, you don’t know him at all.”
    “So you’ll have to convince him,” Lorik said. “I can’t make my decisions based on what Stone will do. I have to do what is best for everyone.”
    “What is best for everyone is for you to stay here, fortify the camp, keep everyone’s spirits up. Can’t you see that? You won’t do us any good by getting yourself killed.”
    “I won’t get killed.”
    “Men always think they’re immortal until they’re lying in the mud bleeding to death,” Vera said.
    “Will you help me?”
    “I don’t know what I can do.”
    “Come with me to see the queen,” Lorik said. “She is a woman of reason, but she needs to hear more than just my side of the argument.”
    “Fine,” Vera said. “But on one condition.”
    “What’s that?” Lorik asked.
    “When Liam insists on going with you, and I know he will, I will go as well.”
    “No,” Lorik said. “That’s not a good idea.”
    “Of course it isn’t,” Vera said. “It’s a bad idea for any of us to go, but if you insist on making a bad decision and asking for my blessing, then you will kindly do me the same favor.”
    “Fine,” Lorik said. “But if Stone sends you back, I’ll support him.”
    “Agreed,” Vera said.
    Lorik nodded and stood up.
    “I love you, Vera,” he said.

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