Lorik The Defender (The Lorik Trilogy)

Lorik The Defender (The Lorik Trilogy) by Toby Neighbors

Book: Lorik The Defender (The Lorik Trilogy) by Toby Neighbors Read Free Book Online
Authors: Toby Neighbors
Tags: Sci Fi & Fantasy
offense,” Lorik said.
    “You should not apologize. Our people have grown apart.”
    “I wish it were not so,” Lorik said. “The Drery Dru are a remarkable race. We could learn so much from you.”
    “Perhaps when the darkness passes, we will have a chance to learn from each other again.”
    “That would make me happy,” Lorik said, but he couldn’t keep the melancholy from his voice.
    “You don’t sound happy,” Shayah said. “What troubles you?”
    “Nothing,” Lorik said. “My thoughts are sometimes dour; I am sorry. I should never be sad in a magnificent place such as this.”
    “The Drery Dru believe that a blessing shared is twice as sweet, and a burden shared is half as heavy.”
    “That is true. I will tell what makes my heart heavy. There is trouble in the south. As you have said, a great darkness is looming. I will do all in my strength to hold it back, but I fear that in doing so I will never see the beauty of the Wilderlands again. I do not fear death, but I regret that I had so little time among your people.”
    “You carry the swords of Acromin,” Shayah said. “The first time I saw you, I felt there was something different about you. When you scaled the King Tree, we watched in awe. Never have we seen such relentless determination. I can’t imagine that anything would stop you, Lorik, but you must believe in your own strength and goodness. Fear and doubts only tear us down. I will watch for your return every day,” she added with a smile. “I have no doubt you will come again to the great forest. Perhaps then you can settle into the King Tree and the Wilderlands will thrive once again.”
    Lorik smiled. Then he handed her the pitcher she had given him. He climbed to his feet and looked around Erkadine again.
    “I will carry your faith in me, close to my heart,” he said.
    “And we shall be waiting for your triumphant return.”

Chapter 8
    When the sun rose, Lorik came walking out of the Wilderlands. He knew in his heart what he needed to do, but there was still so much to be done before he could leave the camp again. In his mind, he made a list of the many tasks he wanted to accomplish. It felt like he was getting his house in order so that if he didn’t return, those he left behind would not be left wanting.
    His first stop was to the little tent that Vera and Stone used when they were in camp. His best friends always made him feel welcome, even though he knew the constant demands of the camp were taking a heavy toll on their relationship. Vera was adjusting a small pot on the little fire that was burning outside the tent.
    “I didn’t make enough breakfast for you,” Vera said.
    “I’m not here to eat.”
    “Liam is still sleeping. He needs some rest,” she said protectively.
    “I agree. I’m here to see you.”
    Vera looked up.
    “Is something wrong?”
    “No,” Lorik said. “I just need your help convincing Queen Issalyn to go to Baskla and recruit King Ricard to our cause.”
    “You don’t think she’ll go?”
    “She doesn’t want to.”
    “She wouldn’t refuse you,” Vera said. “She’s smitten, just like half the girls in this camp.”
    “I don’t need a lover,” Lorik explained. “I need a queen who can convince our ally to help us. She’s the only person for the job.”
    “Why can’t you do it?” Vera asked.
    Lorik looked down, then squatted by the fire.
    “What aren’t you telling me?” Vera said.
    They had been friends a long time and Lorik knew he couldn’t keep a secret from Vera. She was perceptive and smart, so he didn’t try to hide his plans although he knew she wouldn’t like them.
    “I think the best thing for me to do is take a group of men south and try to slow the army marching toward the camp.”
    Vera looked at Lorik as if he had just gone completely insane.
    “I know, it’s a dangerous mission, but if we wait, they’ll show up here and there’s no way I can protect everyone.”
    “Have you considered the

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