Lost Memories (Honky Tonk Hearts)

Lost Memories (Honky Tonk Hearts) by Sherri Thomas

Book: Lost Memories (Honky Tonk Hearts) by Sherri Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sherri Thomas
Tags: Contemporary
“No. I’ve never gone camping.”
    “Really? Wow.” To everyone he knew, the recreation was part of growing up. How else did you learn about the great outdoors? Sure, a few of the women he dated didn’t care for the activity, but they went at one point or another. He wanted a woman who appreciated the ranch and all the land had to offer.
    Trent remained the only Matthews who came close to walking down the aisle. The bullet the surgeons cut out of his shoulder after an argument with his ex-fiancée soured the whole family’s view on matrimony. Nick beat himself up for months after the incident for not protecting his brother—for failing to see how demented his future sister-in-law had been. Now the woman across from him brought coffee to her lips with a trembling hand, eyes darting in every direction but his. Uneasiness settled back in his gut.
    “Well, I guess you’re in for your first. We ride the horses to a spot not too far and bed down for a couple nights.”
    She straightened and smiled. “I think the riding will be my favorite part.”
    “Don’t count out the rest of the experience.” He chuckled, masking the concern churning inside. She didn’t know how to muck stalls or what to feed the animals, but looked forward to handling the horses? The large creatures intimidated most people, but Darcy’s face lit up with the prospect of being near them. She was more of a puzzle every day.
    Her hand came up to smooth a strand of hair from her face. Once again, her gaze strayed from him. She ruffled the strands at her forehead covering the pale puckering skin at her hairline. This wasn’t the first time the sparse, tiny, white marks on her hands called his attention. The notion of pressing her for details swirled on the tip of his tongue.
    “Hey, Darcy, I didn’t know you were in here. A guy called for you.” Chris entered the dining room, plate piled with food.
    “Yeah, right. I’ve had guys lining up at the door.” She rolled her eyes upward and laughed.
    “I’m serious.” The youngest pulled out a chair at the end of the table.
    Nick’s gut clenched. “What did he want?”
    “He asked if Darcy Brooks lived here. I told him you were out at the moment and he asked it again, ‘Darcy Brooks is working and living there?’” He shoved a forkful of food into his mouth, continuing around the food. “I said, ‘yes.’ Then I asked his name or if he wanted to leave a message, but he hung up.”
    A look of alarm crossed her face. “Odd, don’t you think?” She swiveled toward the windows.
    “He could have seen you out, asked around, and someone pointed him in this direction.”
    “Yeah.” She picked up her plate and headed toward the kitchen.
    “Shouldn’t you be headed for Tulsa, Nick?”
    Catching a glimpse of the anguish on her face, he pushed his chair back. “I postponed.”
    A strange feeling swirled in the pit of his stomach. First, she thought someone watched her and now this.
    “You keep putting it off, they’re gonna refuse to meet with you.”
    “Yeah. I’ll get there,” he replied absently.
    The idea of a man being interested in Darcy bothered him. She’d never mentioned another man. Was he a boyfriend from the past or a current one she’d failed to mention? If so, why was she so uneasy about the call? Could the guy be the reason she was so jumpy?
    “If anyone calls again, get their name before you give out any more information,” he told his brother. At least until I figure out if there is any danger here.
    He hurried out the door after her. “Darcy?” Quickening his steps to catch her, he grabbed her arm as she continued sprinting away from him.
    Darcy shook as she made her way across the yard. So what if someone called? Big deal. Months ago, she’d have jumped for joy at the notion—before she fell in love with her job, before she made a life for herself, before Ni—
    “Stop.” A large hand closed around her arm and pulled her to an even more impressive chest.

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