Love and Sacrifice

Love and Sacrifice by Chelsea Ballinger Page A

Book: Love and Sacrifice by Chelsea Ballinger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chelsea Ballinger
kicks off her sandals and unbuttons and unzips her shorts, slowly pushing them down to her ankles, which causes the heat inside my body to get hotter. She kicks them off and I take in her body, black bra and panties. She has that type of body that is so perfect you don’t even want a paper cut to ruin it. She laughs at my reaction and jumps in the pool. I quickly remove my t-shirt and jeans, revealing my boxer briefs, and jump in the pool, quickly, so she won’t witness my hard on. Girls don’t do that to me. They don’t make me nervous, but this one does.
    The water is so nice and warm that I stay below the surface for a couple of seconds longer. Once I finally come up and wipe the chlorine from my eyes, I see Ella swimming toward the shallow end. I swim until I reach her, landing my feet on the ground and standing up straight. The water ends at my waist.
    “Enjoying the swim?” she asks flirtatiously.
    I nod my head while slowly waving my hands against the surface of the water.
    “I always wanted to break in here and go swimming. Stupid, I know.”
    “No, it’s not,” I assure her.
    “You know, me and high school didn’t mix. I didn’t really do a lot. I didn’t join any clubs, didn’t attend any sporting events. I went to parties of course, but it was nothing. Those parties were full of kids, whispering about me.”
    “What about dances?”
    She laughs harshly. “I went to one dance with Dina. It sucked. I didn’t even go to prom.”
    “Why? Don’t even say you couldn’t get a date.”
    “Oh, yes, I got offers. I got offers from guys who expected a grand time afterwards. My mom was worried that I was sad about it, but I shrugged it off.”
    “Well, were you?” I tilt my head to make sure she looks me in the eye. “Were you sad about it?”
    She sighs. “Yeah, I don’t admit it, but I would’ve liked the normal high school experience. But Pierces, we don’t get normal. This thing with you is probably the closest thing I got to it.”
    “Really?” I laugh a little.
    “Yeah, all things considering. I met a guy, he’s cute, mysterious, and funny in his own way, and I like him. He’s not some son of a mortal enemy or the son of a Republican.” She laughs at her joke and I smile and shake my head at her.
    “I’m just saying, I’ve always just been okay. That’s it. I hope one day I can be more than okay. You get what I’m saying?”
    “I get it.”
    “No, you don’t.”
    “Yes, I do. Ella, I do. I’ve always been okay too. I’ve been used to the bullshit and at some point in my life, I became okay with it.”
    I know I shouldn’t be telling her this. Shit, don’t do it, man.
    “But… since I met you, I’m starting to look forward to having more.”
    She gives me that bright smile again. I really like that bright smile. I use the word “bright” because it’s that smile that has so much light and shine to it that if you stare at it too long, like I am right now, you become blinded by it. I’m too blinded by it right now to stop myself from doing this.
    “Come on.” I reach my hands out to her.
    She looks at me confused. “What?”
    “Let’s dance.”
    “Here? In a pool? You want to dance with me in a pool where there isn’t any music?”
    “You didn’t get to go to your dance, right? Well, let’s just imagine, okay? I’m in a suit. You’re in a beautiful dress. I picked you up in a nice limo and I even got you one of those flower things.”
    “A corsage?” she laughs.
    I roll my eyes. “Yeah, whatever, just imagine we’re at the dance and I bow.”
    I put my hand behind my back and bow a little. She does a goofy curtsy.
    “And I take your hand and hold it like this,” I say, taking her hand and locking my fingers into hers. “Then I take my other hand and put it around your waist. Then you put your arm around me.” She does exactly what I say. “And then we dance.”
    We glide through the water, slowly. I’m just coming up with slow songs in my

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