Love by Deception (Age of Innocence)

Love by Deception (Age of Innocence) by Debra Elizabeth

Book: Love by Deception (Age of Innocence) by Debra Elizabeth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debra Elizabeth
the tray on the table near the side window and poured the tea for
her and Mia. “Anything else, ma’am?”
we’re fine for now. That will be all. Thank you, Mrs. Fullerton,” Emily said as
she and Mia sat down at the table.
housekeeper nodded and left the room, leaving the two friends to talk in
private and enjoy each other’s company.
glad you’ll be here Friday. Mother is hosting a dinner and she’d be sorely
disappointed if she didn’t get to see you while you’re in London.”
is your mother? And your father?”
are both well, but you know Mother. She makes sure that Father doesn’t stress
himself too much. He does not always welcome it, but I know that he appreciates
her good intentions.”
don’t blame her. It must have been a terrible shock when he took ill last
it was the most horrifying experience for both of us.”
took a sip of her tea. “I cannot even imagine what I would do if anything
happened to Charles. I worry when he leaves on business, but he must go and I
realize that. Doesn’t mean I like it, though.”
understand. It is our lot to worry about our men, but it is worth every minute
when they return to us safely, don’t you agree?
you look more beautiful than ever. Are you still happy?” Emily asked while
sipping her tea.
nodded. “Oh yes, Charles is a wonderful man. I find myself loving him more each
feel the same way about Ethan. He continues to surprise me with little things
and I daresay that I love every one of them.”
began to fuss in Emily’s arms. “I think your little man is hungry.” She handed
the baby to Mia. “Here you go, little one. Mama will make it all better.”
smiled broadly as she took her baby back in her arms.

looked out the window for tenth time in the past hour. It was Friday and
tonight was the Stanton dinner, but their dresses had not been delivered from
Mrs. Phillips' shop yet.
if you don’t stop pacing, you’ll wear a hole in the carpet,” Iris said.
stepped away from the window and plopped down in the chair. “Do you think the
dresses will be here in time? What will we wear if they do not come? Can we
even go to the Stanton dinner without an evening dress to wear?”
held up her hand. “So many questions. Calm yourself, my dear. Mrs. Phillips has
never missed a deadline before, and I doubt if today will be her first. There
is plenty of time yet for the order to arrive.”
pushed a wayward dark curl away from her face. “I suppose so, but…”
knock at the door interrupted Isabel. She jumped out of her seat and rushed to
the window. Standing at the door was a courier with several boxes in his hands.
“Oh, they’re here!”
smiled. “Didn’t I tell you that Mrs. Phillips would not fail us?”
yes. I shall never doubt her again.”
Smithfield opened the door. “Yes, may I help you?”
delivery for Miss Condiff and Miss Knott.”
come in,” the housekeeper said as she led the courier to the parlor.
waited in the doorway, bouncing from foot to foot. “Bring the packages in here,
please,” she said.
courier nodded and put the packages on the table.
you,” Isabel said.
courier gave her a short bow and left the room.
Smithfield waited in the hallway and escorted him to the door. “Please thank
Mrs. Phillips for the delivery.”
ma’am,” the courier said as he went down the front walk.
Quinn, may I open the packages?” Isabel asked.
smiled. “Of course, dear. But why don’t you see what Georgette is up to. It may
be fun to open the packages together.”
yes, of course. I’ll go find her,” Isabel said as she rushed out of the parlor
and up the stairs.
burst into the bedchamber she shared with her sister. “Georgette,

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