Love Means_. Freedom - Andrew Grey

Love Means_. Freedom - Andrew Grey by Andrew Grey Page A

Book: Love Means_. Freedom - Andrew Grey by Andrew Grey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Grey
tightened a little more. He knew he had to face Preston and explain what had happened. He also knew that Preston deserved an explanation. Preston would probably hate him once he was done, but after telling Adelle a few days ago, he knew he couldn't hide it inside any more. He deserved to be free of it, regardless of the consequences.
    Stone heard the sound of Preston's voice in the barn approaching the ring, and his stomach did another flip-flop. Calming himself, he walked Belle around to Preston so he could slide into the saddle.
    Stone watched as Preston stopped talking to Jasper and approached the horse, sliding out of the chair and, to Stone's surprise, standing and managing to take a few steps before Jasper helped guide him onto the horse. He couldn't help smiling at Preston's accomplishment. Once Preston was settled in the saddle, Stone stepped away from Belle. Preston nudged her and she began walking. "Joey said that today he wanted you to work on control, so we'll do some of the same exercises we did last time."
    Belle and Preston began moving across the ring, and Stone felt Jasper's hand on his shoulder. Turning to look at him, he saw Jasper motion toward Preston with his head and smile before standing up and walking back through the barn. Stone returned his attention to the horse and rider, steadying his nerves and walking across the ring.
    "You're doing very well," Stone commented as he approached, so he wouldn't startle Belle or Preston. "She wants to do what you did last time, so change it up, that way she'll look to you for direction instead of fighting you." Stone watched Preston on Belle. The man looked really good, seated tall and erect, head forward, legs gripping the saddle.
    Preston rode to the far side of the ring and then turned around and came back toward him.

    Stone could tell he was being watched, and the feeling got more pronounced as Preston got closer, pulling Belle to a stop. They both looked at each other, not saying anything.
    "Can I ask...?"
"Can we talk...?"
    They both began at the same time, their questions overlapping. Both of them stopped and smiled before Preston signaled for him to go. "When you're done, could you come back to the house? I think we need to talk."

    Preston's expression darkened. "Is this a bad thing?"
    Stone didn't know how to answer that question. "Only you can answer that." Stone walked up to the side of the horse, patting her neck as he did. "I do want to say that I'm sorry for how I reacted the other night, and I want you to know it wasn't you." That was true, at least. "This is hard for me to talk about, but I've decided that I'd like to tell you, if you're willing to listen."
"All right." Preston sounded guarded and looked skeptical. Stone figured that was all he could ask for. He'd kept telling himself not to get his hopes up, but as he looked into Preston's eyes, he couldn't help allowing himself a glimmer of hope. He figured he was probably just being stupid, reading way too much into a single act, but that kiss Preston had given him after dinner had stayed with him, and was a big reason he'd decided to confide in him. That and the fact that Adelle had said she'd whoop him if need be.
    Stone stepped back from the horse. "I saw that you were able to stand?"
"Uh-huh, I can stand for small periods."
    "Then let's see if you can handle a trot. It's a little faster and requires a lot more balance and coordination with the horse. It'll also use your legs more than walking, so we'll only do it for a short period of time." Preston got Belle moving and then nudged her again, and she began a light trot around the ring. "Don't bounce on her, move with her and use your legs." It took a few minutes, but Preston began to get the hang of it. Horse and rider began to move together. "How are your legs?"
    "Getting tired."
    Stone wasn't surprised. Preston was beginning to look like he'd had a workout. "Then slow her to a walk." Preston pulled back on the reins. "That's it. You did

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