Love Means_. Freedom - Andrew Grey

Love Means_. Freedom - Andrew Grey by Andrew Grey Page B

Book: Love Means_. Freedom - Andrew Grey by Andrew Grey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Grey
great. Walk her over here and we'll get you back in your chair." Preston walked Belle over and pulled his leg over, sliding with Stone's help into his chair. "You've come a long way in a short time."
    "When I'm up there, riding, I feel normal, like I'm just like everyone else. I hate this fucking chair." He slapped the arm. "I want to be normal again." Stone knelt next to the chair. "You will be. Your legs are already stronger. Trotting is hard work, and you did it today. You couldn't have done that if your legs weren't getting stronger. It just takes time and patience." Something Stone didn't think Preston had in abundance. Preston turned, looking at Stone, their lips so close together. Stone felt him lean toward him, but he backed away. "Please." The nerves were back with a vengeance. "Let me say what I have to say. Then you can decide if I'm someone you want to be kissing."

    Further conversation was cut off by the sound of a pair of running feet and the squeal of a young voice. "Stoney!" He looked up and saw Sherry racing toward him. Before he could stand, she nearly bowled him over and she threw herself into his arms. "Mama says I get to ride today."
    "Yes, you do."
She looked into the ring. "Do I get to ride her?" Sherry's eyes got huge--Belle was bigger than Mercury, the pony she was used to riding. "You'll have to ask Mr. Eli when he comes."
    She stood right next to him, holding on to him and looking expectantly at the door to the barn and then at her mother. Stone could feel that she wasn't exactly completely comfortable, but as long as mom was nearby, she seemed to be fine. She pointed and whispered, "What's her name?" Stone whispered it back to her, and she laughed as her mother approached. "Mama, guess what. That horse's name is Tinkerbelle." Eli joined the group walking in from the barn leading Mercury.
    "I think maybe you should keep riding Mercury for a while, he'll miss you." That seemed to make her ponder a minute, and then she let her mother lead her toward the pony.

    Stone felt a slap on his leg. "You've had me riding Tinkerbelle!" Preston's eyes were smiling, belying the mock anger in his voice. "Yup, I was wondering when you'd figure it out." Stone looked into the ring, and Eli motioned that he could go. So after waving to Sherry, he followed Preston through the barn, grabbing his coat before walking outside and to the back door.
    The house was completely quiet. Everyone was out, and even Adelle was conspicuously absent. Without thinking, he led them into the living room and flopped onto the sofa. "Would you help me out of this thing?" They got Preston settled on one end of the sofa, and Stone settled himself on the other. His stomach was doing flips as he wondered where to start, then he figured he might as well get this over with so that Preston would leave and he could figure out what to do next.
    "About six months ago, I met Jacob. He was new in school, and I fell for him hard."
"What happened?" Preston's voice was so soft.
    "The usual, I guess. He graduated with me and went away to college. I found out he was just playing around, and that I was convenient, I guess." Stone sighed, figuring this had happened to lots of guys. "I was really stupid and decided I needed to be honest, so I told my dad I was gay."
    "I know exactly how you felt, and you weren't stupid, just honest and tired of hiding."
Preston's eyes showed that the sentiment was genuine, and Stone relaxed enough to continue.
    Stone's jaw tightened, and he mentally fortified himself. "I didn't know he'd been drinking, but I shouldn't have been surprised. He got it in his mind that he could beat my gayness out of me. He whipped off his belt and began beating me with it. Thankfully, as drunk as he was, he ran out of steam and just started yelling and screaming that if I was still here, he'd give me more of the same." Stone knew his voice was soft, but he couldn't talk any louder or he felt like he'd be broadcasting his shame.
    He heard Preston

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