Lovers in law

Lovers in law by Exley Avis

Book: Lovers in law by Exley Avis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Exley Avis
Tags: Romántica
to check if my underwear theory
was correct.
    No panty line and a crimson blush
from Allie told me all I needed to know – my wanking fantasy was
secure for later, even though I’d have preferred to have my hands
on the real thing.
    Predictably, Daniel Greene offered
to see Allie home at the end of the night but she was having none
of it.
    “I’ll be fine in a cab,” she
assured him, her voice firm but Greene was too drunk to notice when
he was getting blown off.
    “It’s no trouble. My driver’s
brought the Bentley. You may as well travel home in style.”
    “She said, no.” I stepped between
him and Allie, trying very hard to keep a lid on my temper, despite
Greene practically salivating over her. I signalled that she should
say goodbye to the others and fetch her coat while I kept Daniel
out of the way. Considering we hadn’t known each other for very
long, Allie and I already had a good line in telepathy going and
she beat a hasty retreat.
    Not wanting to let Greene out of my
sight for a moment, I steered him out to the main doors and
half-helped, half-threw him into the back seat of his waiting car.
His chauffeur leaned in to fasten the seatbelt and I got the
impression it wasn’t the first time he’d had to do it.
    A taxi had pulled up just
behind Greene’s Bentley and I hailed it for Allie, who’d emerged
from the hotel looking anxious.
    “Don’t worry. He’s in his car,” I
said. “Do you want me to ride home with you to make sure you’re
    She clutched my arm and
smiled up at me, her body dangerously close to mine and just
begging to be fondled again. “I might be in more danger from you
than from drunken Daniel,” she said with a laugh. “If you came back
to my flat, things could quite easily get out of hand – so to
speak.” She kissed me lightly on the cheek. “See you
    I heard her give the cabbie an address in Clerkenwell as she settled
into the back seat and gave me a cheeky wave out of the window. I
smiled, even though my cock wanted to die from disappointment, and
watched her cab pull out into the late night traffic.
    Being a good lawyer isn’t just
about keeping up to date with legislation or being able to quote
case law blindfold. It’s also about intuition – knowing when
something’s not quite right and having a sixth sense for trouble.
As Daniel Greene’s Bentley pulled out behind Allie’s cab, it felt
like someone had walked over my grave and my spine prickled. I took
the next taxi, gave the driver Allie’s address and told him to
follow at a discreet distance.
    After a mile, I realised my
hunch was right and that Daniel was following her. I told my cabbie
to hang back and drop me off around the corner from her block of
flats, from where I saw Allie alight from her cab and do a double
take at the sight of Daniel Greene standing behind her.
    “What are you doing here?” she
demanded, fumbling in her bag for her keys. “You’d better get back
in your car and leave right now.”
    Before she could get her key in the
lock, Daniel lunged for her, pinning her back against the wall as
he tried to kiss her but she fought him off.
    “Get off,” she yelled, appealing to
Daniel’s driver for help but he just looked the other way. It
apparently wasn’t the first time he’d done that either. “Leave me
alone or I’m calling the police.”
    Allie’s hands came up to force
Daniel away as she raked her shoe down his shin and stamped on his
foot but he wasn’t to be put off so easily and doubled his efforts.
He was a big man and quickly overpowered Allie, putting his hands
either side of her head and forcing his lips down on to hers, no
matter how hard she kicked and struggled.
    By this time I was running toward
them. “Get your filthy hands off her, Greene,” I yelled. “Leave her
    Daniel turned toward me in alarm and I made the most of my chance
by landing a punch hard against his jaw. He lurched backwards,
almost dragging Allie with him, and

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