Madeleine Abducted

Madeleine Abducted by M.S. Willis

Book: Madeleine Abducted by M.S. Willis Read Free Book Online
Authors: M.S. Willis
quickly enveloping her small form, removing her grip from his clothes. His
fingers wrapped tightly around her wrists. She could feel the bruises form from
his strong hold.
sharp and controlled to a point of lethal resolve, his words were spoken with
warning. “I recommend you never attempt touching me again without permission,
Madeleine. Acts such as those will likely get you beaten or killed.”
    Rebellion and contempt darkened her gaze. “Then why not just
get it over with?”
    Like lightning on a clear day, he struck quickly and without
notice. Curling his fingers deep within her tangled hair, he pulled her toward
him, bending down so that his lips were pressed against her ear. Menacing and
cruel, his voice shook her, igniting within her the terror that should have
crippled her long before.
    “I warned you,” he said.
    Three words were all he spoke before pulling her behind him
as he walked out of the room and down the long corridor to another doorway. His
free hand slammed down on a handle, freeing the closed door and revealing the
bathroom she’d been led to by Xander the night
before. Crying out in pain, her hands went to his, trying desperately to free
her hair from his grip. Tears cascaded from her eyes, the earlier swelling and
burn relieved by the sudden return of moisture. She was nothing more than a
doll being dragged along the bathroom floor, her efforts at escape useless
against the strength of his hold. While she struggled and while she screamed,
she became aware of the sound of water only moments before she was shoved into
the shower.
    So cold, the water that saturated her clothes, wrapping her
in a blanket of ice, causing her to scream even louder from the feeling of
knives being dragged across her skin. Her muscle spasms tightened and convulsed
until she could barely move, barely fight against what he was doing. Finally
giving in, she dropped to her knees as sobs escaped her, causing her body to
thrash violently against the smooth tiles of the shower floor. She felt as his
hands came down to the waistband of her pants, pulling them easily off her
before tossing them to the opposite side of the bathroom.
    “No! … Please! … ” She begged while he let go of her hair to
use both hands to tug away her shirt. Once removed, he tossed it aside and
turned his eyes back to her huddled form.
    “If you’ll promise to behave, I’ll add some warm water to
your bath.” His words were matter of fact, lightly brushed with humor as he
offered her relief from the freezing water.
    Hurried footsteps could be heard as another person
approached the room. Aaron tore his eyes from her to look behind him for a
split second before turning back to her.
    “ Aaron …? ” A
hesitant question. Xander stood in the
doorway, obviously confused by the scene playing out before his eyes.
    Ignoring the concerned man behind him, Aaron reached down to
once again take Maddy’s hair into his hold. Wrenching
her head in his direction, his eyes burned down on her, demanding compliance. “Apologize
to me and I will give you the heat you need. Your skin is already turning blue,
Madeleine. Apologize and let me correct that.”
    Her teeth chattered violently in response to the deluge of
water. She could feel her skin becoming numb, tightening to a point of
discomfort against her muscles and bones. “Please … ” Barely a squeak as her
breath grated against her cracked lips. “Please … ”
    Aaron released her hair, allowing her to fall against the
tiles again. “’Please’ is not an apology, Ms. Clark.”
    On her hands and knees she attempted to crawl along the
floor, only to be pulled back underneath the spray of the shower by Aaron. Spasms
shook her convulsing muscles again when the water met her skin. She cried out
from the pain.
    “Aaron … ”
    Aaron turned to Xander and yelled,
“Leave now!” Rage boiled and burst from each word he said to his friend. Xander responded by quickly turning and exiting the

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