Magic Below Stairs

Magic Below Stairs by Caroline Stevermer

Book: Magic Below Stairs by Caroline Stevermer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caroline Stevermer
frightened. The sense of peace and comfort that usually accompanied the rustling noise he associated with Billy Bly was gone. Instead, Frederick found himself on watch in the night, waiting for danger that never came.

    In the morning, a message arrived express for Mr. Kimball. Within minutes, the whole staff had the news:
    Lord and Lady Schofield were to arrive that very day. Everyone worked with particular zeal to bring Skeynes to a peak of beauty and comfort. Frederick was finished with his duties by midday, so he went to find Bess.
    The moment Bess laid eyes on him, she felt his forehead. “Frederick, what’s wrong? Are you running a fever? You look dreadful. Are you sickening for something?”
    â€œNo. I need your help.” Frederick urged Bess out of the servants’ hall and down the steps toward the still room. “You mustn’t tell anyone. Not anyone. Promise!”
    â€œWhat’s happened? Are you sure you’re not sick?” Bess let Frederick chivy her until they were out of sight of the other servants, then dug in her heels and refused to go another step. “Are you in trouble? Whatever it is, I can’t promise anything until you tell me what you want.”
    â€œI’m not in trouble.” Frederick took a good look at Bess and decided to risk complete honesty. “Promise you won’t tell.”
    â€œI can only promise to use my wits.” Bess put her hands on her hips and glared at him. “Tell me.”
    The way Bess’s eyes flashed, Frederick knew it was no use trying to swear her to secrecy first. Trusting to her good sense, he told her everything he knew.
    Bess was silent for long moments after Frederick finished speaking. When she spoke at last, she was frowning so fiercely, Frederick thought for a moment she might be angry with him. “You must warn his lordship. He and Lady Schofield are to arrive today, so there’s no time to send a message.”
    Frederick had worked that much out for himself. “I could try to stop the carriage, but if I wait until they pull up at the door, he might ignore me and go straight in before I can get his attention.”
    â€œYou’re right.” Bess’s face brightened. “Do you know the gatehouse, just off the main road? The carriage slows down there to make the turn. If you wait at the gatehouse, you can warn his lordship before the carriage comes near the house.”
    Frederick started for the door. “Tell me how to find it. Do I just keep on down the lane until I reach the main road?”
    â€œYes, it’s easy—but I’ll show you the way. Just wait half a moment—I must put on my bonnet.” Bess whisked off.
    Frederick did not wait. He knew he risked losing his position, abandoning his duties without permission to lie in wait for his lordship’s carriage. It would never do for Bess to get the sack because she helped him do it. He legged it out the door and across the stable yard.
    Not five hundred yards down the lane, Bess caught up with him, bonnet crooked and face scarlet with suppressed rage. “Traitor!”
    Frederick didn’t slow down. “No sense in both of us risking the sack. Go back.”
    Despite her skirts, Bess matched him stride for stride with no difficulty. “Not a chance.”
    Sometimes only walking fast, but sometimes running, they hurried down the graveled lane together. On either hand grew tall hedges full of birds and blossoms. Frederick ignored the beauty of the day. He had a grim message to deliver.

    Where the lane met the main road was the gatehouse Bess had spoken of. Although the gatehouse was old, it was new to Frederick. Intent on his first glimpse of Skeynes, he had been looking the other way when the coach arrived. To Frederick, it looked like a cottage made out of the forest itself. Moss covered the steep roof. Ivy grew over the walls so thick, the gatehouse was easy

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