lived with her, too. I saw no need for it, because we’re always together. But since most businesses along Main Street have installed a telephone line, and they are spreading like wildfire throughout the town and even to nearby farms, I could lose business to another shop that has a telephone. I’m not the only shop that sells watches, as you can imagine. In fact, one can buy clocks in a mercantile or watches in one of the jewelry shops in town. I must admit that the more the town grows, the more important it is for me to keep with the times.”
“ Exactly. If you had a telephone line, a customer could telephone you with a question, before they make a trip down to the store. You wouldn’t want to lose out to the competition, who does have a line in their business.”
“ You’re right. I can’t risk that. But then, if I’m putting in a telephone at the shop, why not install one in our home as well?”
“ True, but there’s still the expense of a new house to consider.”
“ Actually, there isn’t.”
Mollie blinked, surprised. “There’s not?” Please, please don’t tell me we’ll be living with your mother!
“ No.” He shook his head, with a broad smile. “I hope you don’t think it bold of me, but I…I’ve already bought us a new house. It seemed so unfeeling to force my new bride to spend her days after our wedding sharing a home with her mother-in-law. I feel bad enough that I can’t take you on a real honeymoon trip—I just can’t leave Mother for so long, running the shop alone.”
“ That’s alright, you warned me of that, and I truly understand. I’m just…so surprised!”
“ Good! I wanted to surprise you. I moved into it last week. It’s all ready for you to move in and make it our home. That is, if…” he reached across the table and took her hand “…you’re ready to be my wife.”
She stared at him in shock. “I can’t believe you went to all that expense, before we even married—before I even arrived! A new house,” she breathed. “You bought a house , for me.”
“ For us.” He winked at her. “If you’ll have me.”
Mollie gasped. “Of course I’ll have you! Oh, how wonderful!” It was the happiest she’d been since Nell had been taken. Her incredibly generous bridegroom had thought of everything. She had assumed they’d have to spend at least a week with his mother while they looked for a new home. Perhaps longer—she didn’t know how long such things took. Instead, they could marry and she’d move in right away…and that meant finding Nell all the sooner.
“ You’re happy, then? I was worried you’d be upset that I bought one without consulting you.”
“ Not at all.” Mollie shook her head, blinking back tears. “I just want to be settled and start our new life together. I trust that you found a home that will work for us. And if there is anything about it that isn’t a good fit, we’ll find a way to make it work.”
“ I’m so glad you feel that way. I was worried you’d be hurt. But don’t worry—I’ve only picked out a bed and a dining table. The rest of the home is a clean slate. You can choose the rest of the furnishings, the coverlet, the curtains, everything.”
“ That sounds perfect!”
From behind her, Mollie heard the sound of someone clearing her throat. Then Madeline Porter appeared at their side, and she and Mr. Jamison pulled let go of each other’s hands as if they were on fire. Mr. Jamison jumped up and pulled out Mrs. Porter’s chair, then pushed it in as she sat down.
Mollie blushed, and he kept his eyes downcast as he sat down again.
“Really, Mr. Jamison!” Mrs. Porter whispered, her eyes narrowed. “I was only gone a minute, and you’re holding her hand in a public restaurant? And you men wonder why I insist on chaperoning you until the wedding?” She clicked her tongue and shook her head. “
Jason Padgett, Maureen Ann Seaberg