Make Him Purr: A Paranormal BBW Werepanther Shape Shifter Mail-Order Navy SEAL Romance

Make Him Purr: A Paranormal BBW Werepanther Shape Shifter Mail-Order Navy SEAL Romance by Anya Nowlan

Book: Make Him Purr: A Paranormal BBW Werepanther Shape Shifter Mail-Order Navy SEAL Romance by Anya Nowlan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anya Nowlan
had time to scramble away from him on her hands and feet, until her back was against the wall. He’d just raised his hand to strike her across the face when the front door burst open and Diesel came slamming into him like a train into a stalled car.
    Sonya screamed as the two men crashed past her, Diesel bringing Blade down with him. He was already punching the tiger in the face and gut even before they touched the floor. Diesel looked like a man possessed. His face was contorted in rage, and she saw all those fine, delicious muscles she’d licked, loved and admired just the night before turning into a terrifying killing machine. She stared dumbstruck until Tate rushed to Blade’s aid, the big crony still a bit woozy from getting thrown against the wall when Diesel plowed into the cabin and sent Tate flying out of his way.
    Sonya heard a growl and caught the tail end of Deke’s shift. Thinking fast, Sonya gave control over to her own animal. The morph took her swiftly, sending that turmoil of emotions into the background and bringing the animal instincts up to the surface.
    Tate had just pulled Diesel off of Blade and was helping Blade get up when Sonya jumped up on his back, her long claws digging into his meaty back and her jaws ripping at his flesh. The man screamed and grabbed her by the scruff of her neck. With amazing strength, he flipped her over his back and threw her at the wall, where she slumped in a pile on the ground.
    Her head spun, but she’d given Diesel just enough time to shift. If he was terrifying in his human form, that was nothing compared to his panther form. Had she not known the man inside, Sonya would have been scrambling to get out of his path.
    Diesel jumped in front of her, blocking her from Deke’s advance.
    I’ve got you, she heard in her head as she got up on wobbly feet, head spinning from the impact with the wall.
    For once, she was sure that he meant what he said. This was a man with conviction – but was a man with conviction enough against two jackals and a tiger?

    The cottage shook with roars and growls. Diesel watched as Blade threw himself into his shift. The man was almost as big as Diesel, but when he turned, it was obvious that his tiger was much bigger. The dark red coat of the Caspian tiger was healthy and thick, and his paws were a third larger than Diesel’s. But where the tiger had fluff, Diesel only had muscle. Where Blade showed his impressive fangs, Diesel knew that his were honed to kill, to rip, to shred. He doubted the other man could say the same.
    Two jackals were at the tiger’s sides, one smaller and the other bigger. The bigger one was the one Sonya attacked – it was obvious from the way he kept his head cocked to the side and how blood already matted his sable fur. The five shifters were almost too big for the house even without a fight. Whatever was going to happen, Diesel knew it wasn’t going to be pretty.
    I’ll take the little guy.
    Diesel glanced over his shoulder at Sonya, as if asking whether she was sure. She nodded, fire burning in her yellow eyes. Any other time, he would have stopped to admire the way her black coat gleamed and shimmered, and how her eyes were brimming with such intelligence even when shifted, but now was not the time. He was just going to have to trust that she knew what she was doing.
    If something happens to you, I won’t be able to live with myself, Diesel told her, giving in to the painful throb that went through his heart when he thought of losing her.
    It was now or never, after all.
    So let’s make sure nothing happens.
    The next thing he knew, Sonya had leapt up and bounced off of his back, flying into Deke like a missile. They were a pile of fur and claws and teeth on the floor, but it was enough distraction to give Diesel a chance at the other jackal.
    With one bound, Diesel covered the distance between them, and when his jaws clamped around Tate’s neck, he felt the familiar,

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