Making the Cut

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Book: Making the Cut by SD Hildreth Read Free Book Online
Authors: SD Hildreth
fucking bike or stopping by my house wanting to know if I’m interested in a new tofu recipe you wanna try out.”
    “Why not talk to the girl with the tits?” I asked as I motioned toward Sloan.
    “Never been a tit man,” he shrugged.
    He turned toward Sloan who was surrounded by bikers. As she stood and giggled, she pressed her upper arms into her boobs, forcing them to burst out of her tee shirt even more.
    He turned to face me and shrugged.
    “Bullshit.” I snapped.
    He tossed his head toward Sloan, “Tell me this. When she’s thirty-five, what are her tits going to look like? I’ll fucking tell ya. Take off the knee-high school girl gym socks I’m sure she’s wearing, and stuff an orange in each one of ‘em. That’s what. Now, when you’re thirty-five, what’ll you look like? I’ll fucking tell ya that too, just like you do now. Unless she moves to the moon, she’s gonna have to deal with the laws of gravity at some point in time. And, it’s working against her while we’re sitting here bullshittin’.”
    He no more than finished speaking, and over the music, noise, laughing, and constant hollering, I heard someone scream.
    “You cockfucking sucker!”
    I twisted my body toward the scream. A tall muscular man with a military buzz cut stood arguing with a bald headed man with a long beard. The bald man was covered in tattoos, including his head, and looked like he shouldn’t be fucked with. Not even a little bit. His response to Buzz cut calling him a cocksucker was to take a wild swing, which was immediately blocked and countered.
    The punch by Buzz cut landed on the side of Baldie’s face, knocking him sideways. As he stumbled, Buzz cut bent his knees slightly and took a defensive fighting stance. It was pretty obvious it wasn’t his first time in a fight. Actually, he looked pretty experienced at what he was doing. I noticed as he stood with his fists raised that he clearly had a Marine tattoo on his very muscular right bicep. 
    Well, that explains it.
    Baldy shook off the punch and growled.
    You’re growling? What the fuck?
    “Toad, I’m gonna kill you,” he grunted.
    As much as I really wanted to see the outcome of the fight, I realized I was at work. I needed to stop this from going any further. Without a doubt, before long it would turn into a barroom brawl and someone would be hurt terribly or killed. At best, the bar would be thrashed. As Baldy threw another punch, Buzz cut blocked it and swung his open right hand toward Baldie’s nose. The sound of the impact was sickening. Well, sickening in a kind of sexy way. Immediately blood began to drain from Baldie’s nose like it was a faucet. I turned to face Axton, who was standing and intently watching the fight as if it were something that happened every night.
    Hell, maybe it was.
    “I said no fighting in my bar,” I snapped.
    “And I told you if there was a fight, it’d be from someone being disrespectful,” he shrugged, “Looks like Pete disrespected Toad. Toad’s kind of a hot-head. And he was a Marine. It’s a bad combo.”
    I shook my head, “You said they wouldn’t fight each other . You said that. And, they’re both wearing your vests, so they’re each other . So what, you’re word’s shit?”
    He tilted his head and gave me a look. A look as if I had hit a nerve. Actually not a nerve , but the nerve . The big one. After a few second death stare which had me frozen, he turned toward Otis and whistled a shrill whistle. Immediately, Otis uncrossed his arms, rubbed his face, and took a few steps toward the men who were fighting.
    “Pete, Toad, that’s it. It’s over. Whatever the fuck started this, squash it,” Otis barked.
    The two men relaxed slightly.
    “Squash it,” he growled again.
    They both lowered their hands and stood up straight. As if nothing had happened, they shook hands, pulled each other into a bro hug and patted each other on the back. Baldy was still bleeding profusely

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