Masquerading the Marquess

Masquerading the Marquess by Anne Mallory

Book: Masquerading the Marquess by Anne Mallory Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Mallory
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
actress. It was the beauty of these types of entertainments. They allowed class fusion.
    She took a deep breath to slow her quickened heart. Angelford was much more dangerous when he played nice. And much more disconcerting.
    A gentleman brushed her backside as he passed, an unquestionably intentional caress. Good Lord, if she received one more proposition she would scream. Indecent offers were all part of the act, but chats with Angelford always made her extra sensitive. She had to stop letting him unsettle her.
    Stephen walked over. "How are you managing ? "
    He looked concerned. She must have let her emotions slip through.
    "A bit out of patience with some people, but fine otherwise."
    His eyes twinkled. "I missed a good fight? Damn, knew I should have rushed over here sooner."
    Calliope gave him an exasperated look. "Right. And miss that lovely view above the widow’s dress? I doubt it."
    Stephen walked the familiar steps to Lord Holt’s brick townhouse, feeling more tired than usual, and happier than he had been in a long while. Calliope Minton, alive after all these years. If only they had found her after the fire, how many wrongs could have been righted?
    It wasn’t too late to mend things. He owed it to his late mentor to try. And Calliope was like the sister he had never had, which made the days and nights filled with activity fun. Their outings were even more amusing when James was present. Stephen had never seen him react to a woman with such intensity.
    James seemed to feel it was his to duty to protect Stephen from his own folly. His eyes followed Calliope’s progress around the room at every event, and Stephen was pretty sure protection was not foremost in his mind.
    James was in serious trouble if he thought to wiggle out unscathed. It was obvious whatever was going on between the two of them would have James gnashing his teeth for a long time. The tension between them set the air on fire. Every time they were within ten paces of each other sparks erupted.
    Stephen enjoyed the fireworks.
    Yes, the romantic downfall of the Marquess of Angelford would be spectacular. He smiled as the a butler opened the door and escorted him to Holt’s study.
    "Chalmers, good to see you. Wondered when you’d get around to debriefing."
    Lord Holt sat in his favorite chair, the leather permanently dented from long use, and gestured for him to be seated.
    Stephen looked around and saw nothing had changed since his last visit to his superior. The room had been designed for intimidation. Low light streamed through shuttered windows, highlighting the visitor. On the other hand, Holt, spymaster of the Foreign Office, was cast into dark relief. It was a good visual effect, as it masked his more subtle expressions. The furnishings were dark and designed to put the visitor at a disadvantage.
    Stephen sat comfortably in the offered chair. He was no longer the green lad he had been at twenty. The room, best known for the interrogations held there, had become a room like any other.
    "The others should arrive shortly, Chalmers. We need to make some quick decisions, especially given the recent data we have gathered," Holt said. He stroked his pointed chin in the familiar rhythm he had adopted long ago. Stroke, stroke. Pause. Stroke, stroke.
    Stephen nodded. He had expected a large gathering. Discussing the options and possibilities of the mission from various perspectives was normal. When the five gentlemen arrived, the questions began. Stephen leaned back in his chair and let the answers roll fluently off his tongue. From years of practice, part of his brain detached to appraise the group while the other segment supplied the information the men craved.
    Each man present was a member of Holt’s elite group, selected because each held a unique position and possessed an important skill. Only Angelford was absent, having been unexpectedly called to

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