Master of Darkness

Master of Darkness by Angela Knight

Book: Master of Darkness by Angela Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Knight
of its spine.
    And bounced right off in a burst of familiar blue light.
    Crap. That was the same spell that had protected the other two bastards.
    The fanged head shot toward him on its long, snaking neck. He jerked back. Dagger-length teeth snapped two inches from his face with a blast of breath that stank of blood and meat. “Jesus, Super Chicken, eat a crate of Tic Tacs.”
    Another vicious snap. Justice tightened his clawed grip on the bouncing, slippery back and sought a better angle for a swing. Drawing the big weapon back, he hacked downward with all his magical strength. A blue glow burst around the axe, sending it rebounding with such force, it almost knocked him right off his perch.
    Digging his clawed toes deeper, he bobbed around like a boxer to avoid Super Chicken’s snapping attempts to bite his axe arm off. Before the raptor could try for another chomp, its eyes widened. Snaking around with a shrill squeal of rage, it drove its toothy snout down between its legs.
    Miranda leaped away, narrowly avoiding its strike as she brandished her axe. “Spielberg wants his costume back, cockbag!”
    Super Chicken leaped after her in a feline pounce. The sudden heave of its back flipped Justice off his perch. He clawed empty air, falling. Feathered ribs flashed by. He grabbed a fistful of plumage and scrambled up the thing’s side again. Roaring in annoyance, the raptor threw itself at the nearest wall, trying to squash him like a spider.
    “Shit!” Justice leaped straight up, twisting with a furious wrench of his body. The beast smashed into the building just below his feet. Brick shattered, the whole structure shaking with the impact. Justice hit the wall so hard he saw stars, felt himself falling, and clamped all four sets of claws into the rough surface. The axe went flying. Sucking in a breath tasting of brick dust, Justice cursed and watched it tumble.
    An armored hand flashed up and caught the spinning blade right out of the air. “Need help?” Tristan called, and tossed the weapon back as if it were a tennis ball.
    Justice managed to catch the axe without losing his grip on the wall. “Sure as hell do.” He grinned down at his friend in relief.
    “Sorry it took us so long to catch up.” Tristan back-pedaled, swinging his sword at Super Chicken’s muzzle. It snapped at him with a squealing snort.
    Beside Tristan, Belle feinted at the massive head with her own blade, and it jerked back, huffing in irritation. “I called Mirpur.” Which probably explained the delay in their arrival. “Twenty or so Dire Wolves just hit Arthur’s people. He doesn’t expect them to give the Knights any real trouble, but they won’t be able to give us reinforcements until they get rid of the wolves. Otherwise the bastards’ll eat the civilians.”
    Shit. They were going to have to take care of Super Chicken on their own.
    The raptor hesitated, red eyes rolling as if trying to figure out who to bite first. Damned if it didn’t remind Justice of a girl contemplating a box of chocolates.
    Mmm. Crunchy with a creamy blood center.
    * * *
    While the Beast concentrated on the Magekind agents, Miranda ran between its muscular legs and swung her axe hard, right at its belly. As she’d expected, the blade rebounded harmlessly, but in the instant of impact, blue glowing runes danced across its scales.
    As she’d hoped, Miranda recognized that spell. It was the same one etched on Warlock’s armor.
    The monster’s huge head darted down at her again, bloody jaws wide, magical gem blazing. She leaped away, glimpsed a clawed foot swinging her way, and barely ducked the kick before it could take her head off.
If I just had ten seconds to concentrate, I could work out a counter spell
 . . .
    Super Chicken’s gemstone pulsed blue, and a voice rolled from it, deep, menacing. A familiar resonant baritone that seemed to throb with power.
    Warlock’s voice.
    “You turncoat little slut.” The gem’s blaze

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