

Book: Maxine by SUE FINEMAN Read Free Book Online
Tags: General Fiction
have him issue a statement to the press on your behalf? He can say you’re visiting a sick friend or something, and that your husband knows where you are.”
    “Nick, that’s a wonderful idea. It’ll make Lance look like the liar he is. You’re brilliant!”
    He turned to face her. “And you’re just now realizing that?”
    She wrapped her arms around Nick in a friendly hug, but the way he held her it felt more than friendly. His big hands held her tenderly, almost lovingly against his warm body, as he nuzzled into her hair. She drank it in, absorbing his strength and affection, knowing without a doubt that this man would never harm her. She’d once thought sex was as intimate as two people could get, but she was wrong. This was more intimate, more loving than anything she’d ever felt with Lance.
    Nick pulled back, took her face in his hands, and kissed her forehead. She wished he’d move those lips down a few inches and give her a real kiss.

    Chapter Six
    F riday morning, Gerry called Cara with information about her husband. “Cara, the private investigator found your husband’s girlfriend. Sally Jane McCullough. Do you know her?”
    “The name doesn’t sound familiar.”
    “She works in your home in California.”
    So Nick was right. “Since when?”
    “Since right after you returned from your honeymoon. She’s supposed to be your husband’s assistant.”
    “How long did he know her before that?”
    “About two years. His real name is Michael Lance.”
    “He lied to me about his name?” This shouldn’t surprise her, but it did.
    “Apparently, Lance has used several names over the past few years. The real Lance Berkshire was a cousin who was killed in a car accident years ago. Your husband borrowed his name and Social Security number.”
    “Why would he do that?”
    “Probably to hide his criminal past.”
    Cara could barely speak the words, “ Criminal past ?”
    “Petty stuff, nothing violent, or at least nothing we could find. There’s a tie-in with your guardians, too. They’re Sally’s aunt and uncle.”
    “Oh, God.” Cara squeezed her eyes closed. Were her guardians part of Lance and Sally’s scheme? They’d always treated her with contempt, but she never thought they’d go this far.
    “Gerry, I’m going to California in a few days. I’d like you to come with me, if you can get away. I could use your help when I meet with the trustees.”
    “I’ll be glad to come along, Cara. Would you like my secretary to make the travel arrangements?”
    “If she would, yes. Have her charter a small jet for Wednesday morning. Is there a way we can be sure Lance isn’t there before we leave?” Bad enough she had to face Sally. She wasn’t ready to confront Lance Berkshire or Michael Lance or whoever he was pretending to be this month.
    “We have someone watching Lance. We’ll know the minute he leaves Seattle.”
    She sighed with relief and looked up at Nick. He winked and her lips tugged into a smile. She’d come to rely on him for so much.
    Gerry asked, “Do you want to fly into San Francisco?”
    “No, I have an airstrip on the property.”
    “Do you also have your own plane?”
    “Yes, but I don’t want anyone to know where I am.”
    “He’ll find out eventually.”
    “I know that, Gerry.” But not yet. She couldn’t fight him now. With any luck, Gerry could dissolve her marriage quickly and she’d never have to set eyes on Lance’s lying face again.
    Cara finished her call and sat staring at the phone. She felt a strong urge to start running and never look back, but that wouldn’t solve anything. Lance and Sally would squander all her grandfather’s hard-earned money and her guardians would continue to live at the estate. She had to rid herself of the leeches in her life or she’d never be free.
    Nick sat on the arm of the sofa beside her. “Is Gerry going with you?”
    She twisted to look into Nick’s eyes. “Yes, but he’s my attorney, not my

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