Me And Mrs Jones

Me And Mrs Jones by Marie Rochelle

Book: Me And Mrs Jones by Marie Rochelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Rochelle
say it was the best marriage in the world, so to get my mind off of it I started going to art galleries back in my home town. Slowly, I began to realize the passion I had for the industry and got more involved which guided to me deciding to start my own gallery.
    “Robert hated it which added more tension to our already crumbling marriage. He detested not being the center of attention, so he got a transfer out here for his job in hopes I would give up my dream for his. When I didn’t do this, he started cheating on me and I divorced him. Which was the best decision of my life; honestly, I despised that I didn’t do it sooner,” Renee admitted.
    “I wish I could say I’m sorry things didn’t work out between you and your husband, but I can’t. Because if they had I wouldn’t be here with you right now,” Travis said.
    The more time she spent around Travis the more Renee liked what she saw and heard. He was very honest and direct, two qualities she found very attractive in a man.
    “I kept up my end of the bargain. Are you ready for yours?” she asked.
    “Ask away and I’ll answer each and every question to the best of my ability, but at least allow me one pass. I’m not saying I won’t answer it in the future just not tonight.”
    Renee couldn’t argue with Travis’ request. He had a right not to tell her everything about him on the first date, besides everything up to now had been pretty damn good. Which meant she really had nothing to complain about at all and she wasn’t going to look for anything either.
    “Why did you decide to become an artist? What is one thing you haven’t painted yet? Have you ever had your heart broken by a girlfriend? Is your family supportive of your career choice?” Renee stopped with her questions deciding she had given Travis enough to answer for one night.
    Leaning back in his chair, Travis folded one leg over the other like he was trying to get more comfortable. “Ever since I was around two years old I’ve loved to paint and draw, it’s just a part of me like my hair and eyes. Yet, I never envisioned myself doing anything else ever in my life. I think when I’m old and gray I’ll die with a paintbrush in my hand.”
    “Sounds like you’ve always know what you’ve wanted to do with your life,” Renee said.
    “Yes and my parents have always been supportive of anything I wanted to do. They even bought me an apartment with a huge studio inside so I could display my work. It was a graduation present for me. However I think I spend more time camping out in the woods than I do there.”
    Renee wondered why Travis spent so much time in the woods instead of his home. Did he get more clarity out in the wilderness? “Is there a reason you like being out in nature when you paint?”
    “Yes, it relaxes me. I can hear myself think when I camp out underneath the stars. I love my apartment but sometimes the four walls close in on me and I can’t take it. All of my creative juices leave my head and sometimes I don’t ever get the idea back which pisses me off.”
    “Travis, you’ve been very open with me, but you didn’t answer one of my questions,” Renee said, wondering if Travis was going to avoid the subject again. Or was he going to give her an answer. She truly wanted to know if his heart had been broken before.
    “I know what question you wanted answered,” he said. “I haven’t talked about my last relationship with too many people. Let’s just say I was in love with someone, but she didn’t feel the same way about me. I thought I had everything and then I found out I wasn’t what she was looking for.”
    Immediately, Renee experienced more of a connection with Travis. She knew how it felt to want someone and then realize in the end they weren’t ever actually into you.
    “I’m sorry she broke your heart, but things will get better,” Renee told Travis. She wanted him to see life could go on after a bad relationship.
    “I never thought it could, but

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