Meadowview Acres

Meadowview Acres by Donna Cain

Book: Meadowview Acres by Donna Cain Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Cain
calling his cell phone, and I knew he would never miss this game! Something’s happened!” She was immediately in tears as Shasta held her arm in case she collapsed. “What’s happened, Sheriff? Where is he?”
    They were still fairly close to the exit and people were starting to notice Agnes. He put his arm lightly on her back and led her a little way over to a more private area. It didn’t matter, though. By then she was almost hysterical.
    “You tell me right now, Don! You tell me where my husband is! I swear, Don, I swear! You tell me right now, where’s my Claymont?” She was looking at him through dark brown eyes swimming in tears. Shasta was trying to blink back tears; her eyes were wide as well.
    “Agnes, Honey, he’s gone. There was an accident at the...”
    “NO, NO, NO!” She collapsed pulling Shasta with her to the ground. The two women just sat on the blacktop holding each other as he tried to finish telling them the rest of what had become of Claymont.
    “Now, Agnes, listen Hon. He’s at peace. It was a brain hemorrhage they think. It happened real quick. He didn’t have any pain at all, Honey. It was over fast, Agnes.” He looked at the teen holding onto Agnes and thought of his friend Bill. “Shasta, are you okay?” He made a mental note to call Shasta’s dad soon.
    “Y, yeah, I think,” Shasta managed, but she was chalk white, and the sheriff knew she was thinking about how Darren was going to take the news. The two kids had been friends since they were little.
    “If you’re up for it, I think Darren could use a friend when he hears about this. Can you stick around?”
    “Oh, Darren!” Agnes exclaimed. “He’s going to be devastated. Shasta, you have to stay. Please stay and help him. He’s going to really need you now, Sweetie.”
    The thought of her child seemed to give Agnes the strength to stand up and dust herself off. The shock was settling in, and her maternal instincts were now in control.
    “Now listen, you two,” she said. “That boy has had a big night. He’s going to come out of that stadium on cloud nine and this news is going to crush him. We’ve got to stay strong,” she said, her voice wavering, “for Darren.”
    “I’ll tell him, Agnes,” Sheriff Buchanon said while placing his hand on her shoulder. “It might come easier for him that way. You two can get in the back of the squad car, and I’ll put Darren in front with me. That way, no one will overhear.” He was looking around at the curious stares and could tell that there was already a murmur going around.
    “Let’s get you two in now to avoid any prying eyes.” He led them over to his car and helped them gently in. Agnes was quietly crying, but he was watching Shasta. The shocked look she wore worried him more than Agnes’ weeping. “Shasta, want me to call your dad and tell him what’s going on? I think I’ll have a few more minutes before Darren comes out.”
    “No thanks,” she answered. “He’ll hear soon enough. I’ll call him after we see if Darren’s okay.” Clearly, her only thoughts right now were on her friend. Sheriff Buchanon was glad she was there, but hoped it wouldn’t be too hard on the girl.
    Agnes, dreading her only child’s heart about to break, was moaning in the back seat. Her heart was broken as well, but Darren was her focus now.
    A few of the football players were starting to come through the exit, so the sheriff told the women to stay in the car as he climbed out of the cruiser to wait. The boys were all on that endorphin high that comes after a big win. They were coming through the exit to cheers and applause by the waiting spectators and families. Sheriff saw the top of Darren’s head, and his stomach rolled over.
    The boy was scanning the crowd. He was looking for his parents – looking for Claymont. Sheriff Buchanon raised his arm and tried to grab Darren’s attention. Finally, Darren looked his way, and the sheriff motioned him over. He could see the

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