Meet Mr. Prince

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Book: Meet Mr. Prince by Patricia Kay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia Kay
    â€œWell,” Sabrina said, “I know you’re busy. I just wanted to make sure it was okay to keep Emma overnight.”
    Once again, Zach sat looking at the phone after terminating the call. Only this time he felt good. In fact, he felt so good he decided everything else on his work agenda could wait. He would surprise Katie and go home earlier than expected. Maybe they’d get in several games of chess.
    But first he’d give Georgie a heads-up, just in case Jonathan Pierce called back.
    Georgie looked up from her computer when Zach knocked on the doorframe. Zach quickly gave her a rundown on Pierce’s phone call. “I just wanted you to be prepared in case he calls back. I’m going to tell Deborah to route him through to you, because I’m leaving for the day.”
    Her eyes flicked to the clock on the wall for a second. Zach knew she was remembering that he’d told Katie he’d be home by six. It was only four o’clock.
    â€œOkay,” she said. Then she smiled. “And don’t worry. I can handle him.”
    Zach smiled back. “There was never any doubt in my mind.”
    In fact, Zach thought as he rode the elevator down to the lobby level, from what he’d seen of Georgie, she could handle anything.
    Probably including him.

Chapter Six
    Z ach hadn’t been gone from the office ten minutes when Deborah buzzed Georgie to say Jonathan Pierce was on the line. “And he’s not happy,” she warned.
    Georgie grimaced. He’d be even less happy after they talked.
    She pressed a button. “Georgie Fairchild.”
    â€œThere’s been some mistake, Miss Fairchild,” he ground out. “I asked to speak with Zach.”
    â€œI’m sorry, Dr. Pierce. He’s gone for the day.” She waited a heartbeat before adding, “May I help you?”
    â€œDo I have a choice?”
    â€œLook, I get it that you’re not happy I’m now in charge of the Carlyle Children’s Cancer Center application. You made that very clear earlier today, but—”
    â€œNot happy? I consider it absolutely outrageous that I’ve been foisted off on some underling .”
    If his voice got any frostier, it would rival thetemperature of the Arctic. She decided not to make a point of the fact he’d interrupted her or that he was beyond rude. Keeping her own voice pleasant, she said, “Despite your reservations, I believe we can work together. Unless, of course, you’ve decided to withdraw your grant application?”
    A long moment pregnant with tension passed before he spoke again. “How long are we supposed to wait before you make a final decision?” he said stiffly.
    Georgie stifled the impulse to smile. She knew he wouldn’t be able to see a smile, but perhaps he would sense it. “I expect to have my recommendation ready by the end of the week.”
    â€œI see.”
    She knew he wouldn’t complain because he had probably thought she’d take much longer than that. “In fact,” she added, “I’ve finished going over all the paperwork given to us so far. Now all that’s left is last quarter’s financial report, which Ms. Love has promised will be in my hands no later than Wednesday.”
    â€œYou’ll call me immediately upon making your decision.”
    Now Georgie did smile. “Absolutely. You’ll be the first to know.”
    Pierce said a terse goodbye without thanking her. But Georgie hadn’t expected thanks. It was enough that he had been made to realize that he wasn’t calling the shots.
    She was, whether he liked it or not.
    It normally gave Georgie no pleasure to brandish her power over applicants, but in the case of Jonathan Pierce, that rule didn’t hold true. It gave her a great deal of pleasure to knock that supercilious man down a peg or two. If he hadn’t been such a pain in the butt, shewould have told him that unless the

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