Meet Mr. Prince

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Authors: Patricia Kay
cancer center’s last quarterly financial report showed some discrepancy, their application was all but approved now. That she was making him wait (and sweat a bit, she hoped) was exactly what he deserved for his immature behavior.
    She wished Zach were still here, so she could tell him about the conversation. Instead, she sent him an email saying she’d like to meet with him in the morning. She added the teaser, to tell you about my conversation with Jonathan Pierce. She smiled, thinking how much Zach would enjoy hearing about the exchange.
    Less than thirty minutes later, her email program alerted her to new mail from Zachary Prince.
    If you don’t have plans for the evening, he wrote, maybe you’d like to come for dinner. Fanny made stuffed pork chops. We can talk about Pierce then .
    Georgie was so surprised, she had to read the message twice to make sure she hadn’t made it up. She immediately wrote back. I don’t have any plans. What time shall I come?
    A minute later he answered, saying, Great. Let’s say six-thirty. See you then .
    Georgie didn’t know what had prompted the invitation, but she’d have been lying if she said she wasn’t looking forward to the evening. Now that she had changed her opinion of Zach, she could actually admit she enjoyed his company. And, if she was being completely honest (oh, Joanna would laugh at her!), she did enjoy looking at him.
    â€œWell, you look awfully pleased with yourself,” Deborah said from the open doorway.
    Georgie jumped.
    Deborah laughed. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you. So what did the great man say?”
    For a moment, Georgie thought Deborah was referring to Zach, and she couldn’t think what to answer. But then she realized Deborah meant Jonathan Pierce when she’d said “great man.” “He tried to intimidate me by saying he didn’t want to work with me… again. I guess he thought if he said it enough times—especially with Zach not there to protect me—I’d cower or something.”
    Deborah grinned. “I’ve only known you a few days, and I already know you’re not the sort of person to cower…for anyone.” She shook her head. “Wonder how men like Jonathan Pierce get to be that way? Think they have domineering fathers? Who maybe treated their mothers like serfs? Or maybe treated them like serfs?”
    Georgie shrugged. “Beats me. I’m no psychologist.”
    â€œWell, I’m glad you showed the good doc he can’t push you around, with or without Zach.” Deborah glanced at her watch. “It’s almost quitting time.” Looking up, she smiled. “Hey, if you don’t have plans for the evening, want to come and have dinner with me and my son? Jack’s in Cleveland on business, and it’s just me and Kevin tonight. Nothing fancy, though. We’re having spaghetti and meatballs.”
    â€œOh, thanks, Deborah, I would’ve loved to, but I do have plans. In fact, I’m going over to Zach’s for dinner. He just now invited me. I guess he’s anxious for a play-by-play of my phone conversation with the great Dr. Pierce.”
    â€œOh, that’ll be fun. You’ll get to meet his kids.”
    Had Deborah given her an odd look? “I’ve already met Katie. We stopped by the apartment on the wayback from our meeting at Carlyle so Zach could pick up some files he’d forgotten.”
    â€œHow is she? Is she feeling better?”
    â€œShe told Zach she was.” Yes, that was definitely an odd look. Speculative. Or was she being paranoid again?
    Deborah sighed. “I feel so bad for those kids. Katie especially. She’s taken the death of her mother really hard. When Jenny died, the other two were really too young to be affected. Well, Jeremy probably remembers her a little—he was three when Jenny first got sick and four when she died. But Emma was just a

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