Ménage for the Night
until I saw her again. I’d never felt nervous about meeting a woman, never , but Summer did things to me that no other woman ever had. I
pulled my phone out. I didn’t need to look at her message again, I’d memorised
it by heart, but I had to look at it to remind myself that she had wanted to
see me again. That she trusted me. I was surprised to see another message in my
inbox, from Ava. She was fairly consistent and never booked more than one
session every couple of months, it hadn’t even been a week since our ménage. I
opened it up to read it.
    Dear Logan, I wanted to thank you most sincerely for a
wonderful night on Saturday. The way you and Trey looked after me, the pleasure
you brought me meant so much. As did your repeated kind words. I wanted to let
you know that I won’t be booking anymore sessions, because of what you did for
me. I’ve no idea how you found Farrokh, but you were right. I felt as if a
million butterflies had been released in my stomach when I saw his name,
address and telephone number. I kept looking at that piece of paper for three
days until I plucked up the courage to ring him. My heart felt as if it were
going to beat out of my chest as he answered. We spoke for hours, catching up
and laughing. Because of what you’ve done for me I’ve found the courage to
admit defeat with my husband and have asked for a divorce. The guilt of what I’ve
been doing hasn’t helped, though I’m aware that if he’d been a better husband,
I wouldn’t have had to resort to seeking you out to start with. I’ve decided to
go back home to my family in Iran. Farrokh is single too, though I have no idea
if we could try and make it work, even though my father would still disapprove,
I’d like to give it a try. Even if not, I hope to find a man better suited to
me than David was. A man who’ll treat me with the kindness and respect you
always have and make me feel like I’m the centre of his world. Thank you for
showing me how things could be, how they should be. I’ll always be grateful and
I’ll always remember how wonderful our times together were. You are a special
man, Logan Steele. You may argue that it’s your job, but it takes a unique man
to place the happiness of a woman above his own and to do what you did for me
all those times and for reuniting me with the man I’ve never forgotten. I hope
one day that you find a woman who can make you such a priority in her life. One
for whom the butterflies can never be tamed. You deserve it. With warmest
regards and fondest memories, Ava.
    I huffed out a surprised breath. She’d finally done it,
she’d realised that she deserved to be happy in all areas of her life and had
made a major change towards making that happen. Good on her. I really hoped
that if this Farrokh was the love of her life, that she’d be his and it would
all work out for her. She’d always been one of my favourite clients, she
reminded me a lot of Summer. Summer. I sighed as I thought of the brunette
who’d taken such hold of my thoughts, waking and sleeping. I opened her email
and scanned it again and just like every time I read it, my finger hovered over
the reply button, but I stopped myself. I’d be seeing her again in two days and
if she was going to be pissed off with me for tricking her after ignoring her, better
I deal with it face to face, when I had her trapped in the confined space of
the Limo. I’d have to turn on my full repertoire of romance and charm to bring
her back around, which for once, I wouldn’t need to fake. I opened her restored
file and looked back at her picture and felt that weird twisting sensation in
my stomach again. I definitely had “the butterflies” for this woman. My dreams really
didn’t do her justice, she was even more attractive than I remembered.
    “Are you retiring?” Ian had asked. As I looked back
down at Summer’s photo, the thought that she could be the one woman to make me
want to retire crossed my mind. I’d give it up

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