Mia Marlowe

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Book: Mia Marlowe by Plaid Tidings Read Free Book Online
Authors: Plaid Tidings
    She straightened and obeyed him, though she did allow the night rail to slip off her arms as she went. He decided not to complain. It might have been an accident and she hadn’t meant to disobey his dictum not to do anything unless he gave the word.
    The globes of her heart-shaped bum undulated with each step. When she climbed up into the tester bed, her buttocks tipped up and he was treated to a glimpse of her glistening slit. Then she raised herself to her knees, faced him, and fisted her hands at her waist.
    It was beginning to bother him that her face was still in shadow.
    “On my stomach or back?” she asked.
    “Surprise me.”
    She settled on her stomach. He rose and walked toward the bed, realizing for the first time that he was already naked. His cock led the way, bobbing merrily toward its goal.
    She was a delight to his eyes. Her thick cloud of hair reached below her shoulder blades. He gathered it in one hand and forced her to raise up, arching her spine. He bent and planted kisses on the two dimples above her bum. He trailed a fingertip down her back and teased the cleft of her bottom. She quivered with delight. Then he flipped her over and settled between her legs in one smooth motion.
    “You didn’t really think I’d let you choose, did you?” he asked. “If I want your ankles over my shoulders or you on your knees like a dog, that’s how you’ll be.”
    He lowered his mouth and claimed hers roughly as he slid into her hot, tight channel. She hooked her ankles behind his back. It felt so good. So uncomplicated, this joining of bodies without any more promise than that of pleasure, given and received, between them.
    Then suddenly, she rolled, pinning him beneath her.
    “Dinna move without my leave, ye say.” Her voice was thick with derision. “Ye didna think I’d allow meself no’ say in this matter, did ye? If there’s anything on God’s earth as takes two hearts deciding and doing together, it’s this.”
    She sat up on his groin, impaling herself on his thick cock. She raised her arms over her head in mock surrender, the long white length of her throat exposed as her head lolled back. Every bit of him strained toward her, even though she had disobeyed him.
    “Love me, Alexander,” she said throatily. “And I’ll love ye right back.”
    She leaned down then and before he was engulfed by the thick curtain of her hair, the light finally reached her face.
    It was Lucinda MacOwen.
    The coach sank into a pothole and tossed its occupants upward so their bums left the tufted squabs for a moment. Alex woke with a start, but Aunt Hester merely grunted and burrowed deeper into the arms of Morpheus.
    He glanced sideways at Lucinda, who was peering out the window, blissfully ignorant of the way she was about to be rutted six ways from Sunday in his dream.
    As dreams went, that one was a close call. Another minute or two of it and he might have gone off like a fountain in his trousers. Alex took a handkerchief from his waistcoat pocket and wiped his brow.
    “How much farther is it to Dalkeith?” he asked, willing his body to settle.
    Lucinda put a finger to his lips. “My aunt has finally stopped grumbling and fallen to sleep,” she whispered. “An’ ye know what’s good for ye, ye’ll help me keep her in that state.”
    He nodded his agreement.
    She lifted the heavy curtain to get her bearings. Despite the rare December sunshine, a cold draught washed over them before she dropped the curtain back in place.
    “Not so far,” she whispered. “Only a wee bit more now.”
    “You’ve been to Dalkeith before?” He matched her soft tone to keep from waking Hester. Lucinda was right. Best to let sleeping dragons lie.
    “Only to walk the grounds,” she admitted. “’Tis supposed to be ever so grand on the inside, ye ken. Queen Mary lived there for a time, but that was long before she ran afoul of her wicked English cousin Elizabeth.”
    Alex rolled his eyes. “Do

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