Mia's Journey: An Erotic Thriller

Mia's Journey: An Erotic Thriller by John Rebell, Zee Ryan

Book: Mia's Journey: An Erotic Thriller by John Rebell, Zee Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Rebell, Zee Ryan
on the inside.
    He finished one side of her pussy and ran his tongue over it, making sure he didn’t miss any places. He then switched to the other side.
    Another orgasm was steadily building in Mia. He must have felt it because he glanced up at her.
    “I’m going to cum, Daddy.”
    “Then you know what to do.”
    She switched her leg and brought Daddy’s face close to her pussy. His finger was still massaging her clit inside her pussy and now he started licking her clit on the outside.
    She felt the shudder start deep within her, radiating outward in waves. One moment before she released, she cocked her hips so Daddy could get a better angle.
    “Drink me, Daddy.”
    And Daddy drank the nectar he now considered his. After the shudders stopped, Mia’s eyes became heavy.
    “I’m sleepy now, Daddy. Take me to bed.” All pretense gone, the little girl she truly was, but could never be, laid bare and vulnerable. Her total trust in her Daddy complete.
    Daddy picked her up, and carried her to bed. He laid her on the clean sheets and she snuggled into the cool comforter, purring.
    And dreamed…

“There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why... I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?”
    Robert Kennedy
    Chapter 21
    Mia’s whole body jerked and it snapped her out of slumber.

    She blinked rapidly trying to get her bearings. A panic set in as she looked around and didn’t recognize the room. She turned her head to the side and saw Daddy. Recent memories flooded her mind and her panic faded.
    She was in Daddy’s bed. She snuggled up next to him and threw her leg over his warm body. He was still sleeping soundly next to her. Mia reached down and started playing with his cock. It got instantly hard under her touch. She noticed he had a faint smile. Mia wondered what he was dreaming about.
    This thought brought back images of her own dream that had just awakened her. Mia was still sweating and the feelings still stuck to the edges of her mind, like fall leaves clinging to wet branches. Very slowly the dream rewinds, then replays inside her head like an internal VCR.
    Mia was walking around a quiet grassy area. She thought she heard a group of people not too far away playing a game, but she couldn’t tell for sure. There were no images of them, just traces of noise, laughter, and excited voices.
    “Over here!” Mia thought she heard a young girl’s voice yell but it faded too quickly and then just silence.
    She had an uneasy feeling of longing. Like she knew she should be with that group but wasn’t for some reason. Had she left them? Had they made her leave? Mia couldn’t quite see that part of the dream sequence.
    As she walked further away from the noise, the grass changed. It started getting very tall, like elephant grass in the jungle. She continued to walk but soon she started to feel pain and blood running down her legs.
    “Where am I?”
    She looked down to find cuts all over her bare legs. The blades of grass were slicing into her skin and leaving small, thin, paper cuts as she moved through it. Mia tried to step carefully and avoid more cuts, but it was impossible.
    Everywhere she looked, taller grass, even back the way she had come. There was nothing to do but stand still or keep going.
    “Where am I?” Mia could hear the panic in her own voice growing.
    Mia decided she wanted to move. She wanted to see what was past the punishing grass. She started to walk faster. Damn, the pain was so real that even now, while fully awake, Mia rubbed her legs with her hands. Her eyes were still seeing her dream as she looked down to find her hands were covered in blood.
    After a few steps, she fell, not sure anymore if she was awake, or asleep. The grass now sliced into her arms. She stood, tried to take another step but fell again.
    This time, a thin blade cut her cheek. She started to cry and her tears turned to blood as they dripped down her face.
    Mia could

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