Microsoft Word - catherine mann - landis brothers 4 - rich man's fake fiancee.docx

Microsoft Word - catherine mann - landis brothers 4 - rich man's fake fiancee.docx by Catherine Mann

Book: Microsoft Word - catherine mann - landis brothers 4 - rich man's fake fiancee.docx by Catherine Mann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catherine Mann
choosing and some helpful tips for dealing with the press.”
    Ah man, she really didn’t want to like this woman so much. Forming any kind of bond with Matthew’s family would only make things all the tougher when she walked away.
    At least she could take some comfort in the sincerity lacing Ginger’s words. Matthew’s mother would help her choose appropriate clothes that stayed true to her own tastes.
    There wouldn’t be a Cinderella makeover after all. Which was a relief. Except that as much as she knew she and Matthew weren’t right for each other long-term, a part of her wouldn’t have minded knocking him flat on his awesome butt.

    He was only just finishing up his first speech of the day and already he was sweating—big-time.
    Except he couldn’t blame the crowd or the press or even the cranking summer heat. His pumping blood pressure had more to do with the demure woman sitting serenely to his right in his peripheral vision, her attention unwaveringly focused on him.
    The way Ashley’s sheathe dress kept hitching up over her knees was about to send him into cardiac arrest at thirty years old. His mother had absconded with Ashley yesterday afternoon, not returning until well after supper. Call him crazy, but he’d been expecting pastel suits and pearls like his mother wore.
    Instead, his mother had picked an emerald-green form-fitting dress with a scooped neck and a pendant that drew his gaze south. A daring choice given all he’d heard about everyone appearing subdued during a campaign. Yet Ashley, with her long auburn hair pulled back with a simple gold clasp, looked classically elegant. The no-heel strappy sandals accented with gold stones matching the necklace flashed a tribute to her glowing youthfulness. She would easily appeal to a cross section of voters.
    She easily appealed to him at a time when he’d sworn he would keep his distance.
    He resisted the urge to swipe his wrist over his brow, a dead giveaway to anyone with a camera that he was rattled. He glanced quickly at his notes to scoop up his ender. Thank God he must have said something coherent because everyone clapped and smiled.
    The Rotary president stepped up to the microphone to invite questions from the media.
    An older woman stood, her press pass around her neck tangled in the buttons of her tan sweater. “Miss Carson, tell us how Congressman Landis proposed? Was it before or after the revealing photos of the two of you hit the papers?”
    Yeah, that had lots to do with the issues.
    His campaign manager on his left shot to his feet. “Come on, Mary.” Brent smiled at the seasoned reporter. “You know Ashley’s still new to all of this. How about you don’t put the screws to her just yet?”
    Ashley placed a soft hand on Matthew’s arm, gently nudging him from the podium. “It’s all right. I would like to answer.”
    Matthew heard his campaign manager suck in air faster than a dehydrated person gulped down water. Matthew worried more than a little himself, but he wouldn’t embarrass Ashley by silencing her. He would simply stand by in case she threw him a panicked “save me” look.
    “As you can tell, Matthew has concerns for me and the stresses of campaign scrutiny. That’s why he tried to keep me out of the limelight. So I solved the problem by proposing to him.”
    Chuckles rumbled through the crowd while reporters went wild taking notes. He had to admit, she’d handled the question well while sticking to the truth.
    She cast a shy glance through her eyelashes. “You’ll have to pardon me if I insist the rest of the details are very personal and private.” The laughter swelled again. Ashley waited patiently for the hubbub to subside. “And I know when to end on a positive note. Thank you for having us here today.”
    Matthew palmed the small of her back and ushered her toward the exit behind the podium. The door swooshed behind them, muffling clicking cameras. He leaned and captured her lips with his—hey, wait,

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