Microsoft Word - Jenny dreamed

Microsoft Word - Jenny dreamed by kps

Book: Microsoft Word - Jenny dreamed by kps Read Free Book Online
Authors: kps
her. If he managed to free her, he might as well walk up to the territorial prison and surrender. He'd given her little enough reason to hide his part in her kidnapping. Why wouldn't she testify against him at a trial?
    He'd overheard one of the boys say a lone man had come after the girl and traced his gang here but that Jim Akers had warned Lil in time, and the would-be rescuer was securely trussed and thrown in the storeroom. Now, as Jenny rested, he tried to come up with a plan that would do them both some good. He could tell the other members of the gang to split for a while, to head for the safety of the mountains 'til things cooled down a bit and then take off for other parts himself, maybe down to
    Denver It was about time he got some pleasure out of the money he'd accumulated. He'd take off after he'd freed the man in the store-room. From then on, Jennifer's safety was his responsibility. To Lil, Beau owed nothing. She'd been well paid to provide food and a hiding place, and as far as he was concerned the devil could take her!
    Jenny desperately wanted to remain asleep, a portion of her mind aware that her problems were kept at bay while she rested, but her head ached too much. What strange dreams she'd had of Rodrigo ... so real still that she could sense him beside her even now. A moment later the bedsprings creaked and Jenny stiffened, afraid to open her eyes. But when finally she did, she found the outlaw leader seated beside her, gazing down at her as though it were the most natural event in the world for him to be there. His chest was bare, and only the bedcover across his lap concealed the rest of his obvious nudity. Jenny moaned softly, her eyes closing for seconds in the vain hope that if she did so he would disappear. Perhaps he was another delusion caused by the drug, just like the very real sensations of making love to ... "Oh, my God," she whispered, suddenly wide awake and aware that the lovemaking had been real. The lover she had imagined to be Rodrigo was none other than the same despicable man who was responsible for her continued state of misery! How galling that he had dragged her here and added insult by assaulting her defenseless, drugged body! Turning to face him, Jenny pulled the covers up beneath her arms and glared. It was a futile gesture, drawing a thin and fragile barrier between the scoundrel and what he had already viewed at his leisure, but she could hardly contain her steadily rising fury as his hooded gaze swept over her bare flesh. "I suppose you're amused by all of this," she ventured in a cold tone. "Do you always order your victims drugged? I hardly think a few scratches from an unwilling woman could daunt such a brave and fearless rogue!"
    Beau smiled,relieved to see her show a normal return of spirit, realizing his mistake as she gasped in outrage and struck at him. He managed to catch her wrist before she connected with his cheek. Before she could use her other hand, he'd captured it also and shoved her onto her back. For a few moments he held her pinned there, until her useless struggles ceased. A glaze of unshed tears shone in her eyes, now gray and smoldering with sullen resentment. Finally she turned her head away, refusing to look at him.
    "Look, I don't regret makin' love to you last night. If an apology is gonna make y'feel better about it, I won't make it. You enjoyed yourself as much as me, even if you did think I was some fool named Rodrigo!" Beau felt all of his good intentions deserting him. She made an enchanting sight with her high cheekbones stained with angry color. Her breasts, uncovered once more in the struggle, swayed with each furious breath. Again she faced him, ready to refute his version of the night's events.
    "You took advantage of me! If I'd been aware of what was happening, I'd have fought you with every ounce of my strength. Your victory would have cost you at least a few scars!"
    Beau ·smiled, tilting his head to one side to. study another angle of

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