Mikal (Second Wave Book 3)

Mikal (Second Wave Book 3) by Mikayla Lane Page A

Book: Mikal (Second Wave Book 3) by Mikayla Lane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mikayla Lane
base is. I just how to get there,” she admitted.
    “That’s alright, darling! We got just the man to tell us,” Reign said helpfully as he and Jason left the conference room and came back a minute later carrying the doctor in, still bound to the chair.
    “Can I do it? Can I? Please?” Dree begged while everyone groaned.
    Chris looked around the room. When no one objected, he nodded his head at Dree.
    Confused, Chance watched as Dree walked over to the doctor and slowly began to peel the duct tape off his mouth. When she got to where it was caught in his hair, she didn’t speed up and ignored the doctor’s screaming as she slowly ripped out the hair at the back of his head.
    “Damn, what a whiny bitch! I pulled Dree’s hair worse than that when we were kids,” Trick said, enjoying the doctor’s discomfort.
    At Chance’s horrified look, Mikal spoke to her mind.
    “He’s only teasing. He would die before he ever harmed his sister,” he said reassuringly.
    Dree got the first wrap of tape off and turned to Chance with a grin.
    “Want to give it a shot? It’s rather cathartic,” she said.
    Chance saw the doctor’s eyes flare in fear, and she shook her head. They needed answers, and she didn’t think they’d get too far if they terrified him too much.
    Dree ripped it off the rest of the way, and when the doctor refused to stop sobbing, she slapped the hell out of him again.
    “Knock it the hell off! Damn, it’s bad when I’m a female half your damn size, and I don’t cry like that. Find your balls, man, and suck it up like you made those girls do,” Dree said with disgust.
    “Where is the lab?” Chris demanded when the doctor calmed enough to be heard.
    Dr. Mussberger shook his head vehemently.
    “They’ll kill me!” he exclaimed.
    “I’ll kill you first!” Dante mocked as he drew a throwing knife and began cleaning his fingernails with the tip.
    Everyone laughed for a second until Chris decided to take control again. He walked over to the doctor and leaned down so that he could look at the man eye to eye.
    “By now, you’ve guessed that you aren’t among any of your own kind anymore. You will never be found. If they do find you, it’ll be your mutilated body and nothing else. Now, we can use our unique abilities to draw out an agonizing death for you,” Chris said as he drew on his Dranovian energy.
    Chris clenched his fist tightly and the doctor screamed in pain at what felt like someone twisting his stomach into a knot.
    “Oh dude, save some fun for us!” Alex said as he snapped his fingers and two large serpent-like whips of energy formed in his hands.
    With an expert flick of his wrist, Alex sent both energy whips out and grinned when they hit the doctor’s knees, his pant legs smoking from the contact. There was no blood—the heat from the energy cauterized the wounds.
    Dr. Mussberger screamed in agony, barely able to catch his breath from the fear and pain rolling through him. He looked at the creatures with wide eyes. He’d only seen their kind in videos, prior to using their DNA to create the Destiny hybrids.
    One part of the Destiny hybrids were created from the DNA found beneath the ice. It was the other part that had been taken being held by other military divisions. They were the ones standing around him now.
    “Oh brother, you aren’t allowed to have all the fun,” Dane said as he twirled his pointer fingers in the air and two circular discs of lightning began spinning rapidly around them.
    Dr. Mussberger jerked so hard in the chair that he toppled it as he screamed over and over again.
    Lara laughed and stood up.
    “OK guys . . . terrify the hostage. Check. Let’s see if we can get somewhere with him now,” she said then blasted the doctor with a bolt of energy, instantly silencing him.
    Chris picked up and the chair and wrinkled his nose in disgust.
    “Damn it, guys! You made him piss and shit himself! I ain’t hosing him off. You guys can handle that later,”

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