Mine to Lose

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Book: Mine to Lose by T. K. Rapp Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. K. Rapp
moment. I do my best to cover any signs that he’s affecting me so I can focus
on the task at hand.
    “Lisa said she would email me the
different table layouts they have used in the past, as well as some caterers
that they have worked well with,” I say in a rush, trying to allow myself to
make a somewhat graceful exit. “I’ll also contact the other facilities you
mentioned to get an idea of their capacity.”
    “Okay, well, we can work on that next,”
he counters, his gaze boring into me.
    “I need my hand back,” I inform him when
I feel my fingers becoming increasingly clammy.
    He lets go and shrugs. “Sorry ‘bout that.
Just let me know when you have that information and we’ll set up another
    You know that feeling you get when you
know someone is watching you? That’s the feeling I have right now, and I can’t
help but feel self-conscious thinking he’s checking out my ass. My suspicions
are confirmed when I chance a look back and his eyes snap up to meet mine. He
flashes a bright smile, unapologetically checking me out.
    Driving back to the office, I keep
reminding myself it’s not the end of the world. Then again, my fiancé only
snapped at my first and only solo client, not that I’m mad at him, he didn’t
    * * *
    Since I have been away for most of the day,
my desk is empty when I set my files down. I pull out my notes so that I can
type everything up to add to the client information sheet when Cam comes by my
desk to see how the meeting went. She knows how nervous I was to handle this
one on my own. When I look at her, she can tell something’s up. “How did it
    “It was great. Have you been to their
offices before?” I’m slightly over-exaggerating my excitement, and I hope she doesn’t
question why.
    “I haven’t, but I heard they’re pretty
    “Yeah, very impressive.” I start
unloading my bag before I sit down. “Mr. Miller wanted me to show him some
other places, but we stayed at Ivy Glen so long, we didn’t get a chance,” I
huff, leaning back in my chair.
    “Does he want to see the other places?”
    “I’m not sure,” I start; debating on
sharing with her the apprehension I feel after what just took place.
    “Well, he either does want to see them,
or he doesn’t. Did you ask him?”
    “Not exactly,” I say, avoiding her stare.
    “What’s going on?” she demands. “Please
tell me you didn’t blow this?”
    The sting of her accusation causes my
defenses to go up and my voice becomes very controlled. “No, Cam. I didn’t blow
it, but thanks for believing in me.”
    “What am I supposed to think? You won’t
give me a straight answer, so what’s the deal?”
    Resigned to sharing with her my experience
with Trey, I sit back and wait for her to do the same. “Remember that night I
got wasted and drunk-dialed you?” I don’t wait for her to acknowledge, because
she still teases me about that night. “Trey- I mean, Mr. Miller- is the guy who
Ryan got all pissy with.”
    “I didn’t even know who he was. I mean,
he seemed familiar, but you know how many people we see at the weddings and
corporate events we coordinate, I just figured maybe I’d seen him at one of
those,” I explain to her. “It wasn’t until he asked about my husband that I knew who he was, even though he pretty much had to tell me.”
    “Did he-” Cam starts, but is cut off by
    “Emogen.” She summons me from her office.
“Can you come in here a sec?”
    Without so much as another word on the
matter, I leave my desk, files in hand, for Elle’s office. When I get to her
door, she waves me in while leaving a message for someone. She hangs up and
folds her arms over her chest, appearing very stern. “I was just talking to Mr.
Miller on the phone,” she explains.
    “Elle, I can explain…” I try to beat her
to the punch. “I really appreciate you letting me take this on, but I don’t
think I’m ready to go

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