Descent (A Hidden Wings Novella: Prequel)

Descent (A Hidden Wings Novella: Prequel) by Cameo Renae

Book: Descent (A Hidden Wings Novella: Prequel) by Cameo Renae Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cameo Renae
higher, to the top of the mountain.
    Their names filled my heart as we drew closer, giving me strength and some kind of hope to hold on to.
    We landed on a small area at the top where the dirt had become blackened from all of the previous blood spilled. Lucian was waiting. His white hair was drawn back, and his wings were folded behind his back, which meant that whatever was going to happen, wasn’t going to take long.
    Abaddon walked toward him and bowed, showing his allegiance. “We’ve brought Samuel.”
    Apollyon stepped behind me and whispered something so soft, at first I thought it was the wind. “I’ve heard about your mortal love. I also have one. Trust my sword.”
    Were my ears deceiving me? How could he have known about Alaine? I turned my head to the side and he gave the slightest nod. Apollyon was a master swordsman. The best I’d ever come across or had seen in battle. He was so quick, so precise, and each one of his swings was deliberate and fatal, never missing its target.
    Lucian’s eyes fixed on me, pitch black, with evil intentions. But I wasn’t afraid of him. Yes, he was an ancient, almost as old as Lucifer, but other than that he was no different from any of us. He was just handed his leadership and authority.
    I could sense his intentions, and they were evil.  
    Immortals could die one of two ways. Take off the head, or pierce the heart.
    If my arms weren’t bound , I would have fought him till the death. But with my arms secured tightly behind me, there wasn’t much I could do. I couldn’t fly, because if I called my wings, they would tear my arms off. The only thing I could do was trust in a whisper. It was all I had.
    I steeled my eyes on Lucian, and he gave me a wicked grin.
    I suddenly envisioned my sword in my hand, slicing the smirk off his face, then his head. I would smile as I watched it fall face-first into the dirt, hopefully hitting a rock on the way down. Then, I would rip out his heart, just to be certain of his death. That would be a beautiful sight.
    I usually had a nice disposition, but I was still a Fallen Angel. One that most didn’t mess with.
    “So, you are Samuel?” Lucian huffed. He still had a smirk on his face.
    Samuel stood still, firm , and said nothing.
    I’ve received word that you’ve been keeping intimate company with a mortal. Is this true?”
    “ Where did you come by this information?” Samuel questioned.
    “T hat does not concern you!” Lucian growled. “Don’t you know that breeding with the mortal insects is forbidden?”
    “ Yes, and that should not concern you,” Samuel smirked.
    “Oh, but it does. Lucifer has placed me in charge of the Fallen, and I will make sure they do not breed and create bastard abominations, and future enemies to us.”
    Samuel’s heart began to fill with hate for Lucian as he thought about his Alaine, and their beautiful daughter Emma. They were the furthest things from abominations.
    “I have done nothing wrong,” Samuel said in defense, and with all honesty.
    “ Well, I’m here to make sure of that.”
    Samuel glared at him.
    Samuel knew that Lucian had brou ght him here for one purpose and one purpose alone. Execution. And he wasn’t going to leave until it was carried out. Once brought to Montem Mortis, you never returned. That was Lucian’s way. Guilty or innocent, it didn’t matter. Each visitor met their fate, and he was there as a maniacal spectator.
    Lucian spoke one word, and Samuel knew it was the beginning of the end.
    Samuel stood tall and closed his eyes. His thoughts went to his Alaine. His love. His world. The pain might be bearable if he could keep his mind on her. She gave him strength.
    He said a silent prayer. A prayer to a God who had long forgotten him. A God he had forsaken many centuries ago. A prayer not for himself, but for Alaine and Emma. A prayer to keep them safe.
    Abaddon stepped forward and reached for his sword.

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