Jack & Coke (The Uncertain Saints Book 2)

Jack & Coke (The Uncertain Saints Book 2) by Lani Lynn Vale

Book: Jack & Coke (The Uncertain Saints Book 2) by Lani Lynn Vale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lani Lynn Vale
slowly to pick it up.
    I used her inattention to snatch the gun away from her, followed shortly by the clip, loading it and having it ready to fire in less than six seconds.
    “Now what?” I asked.
    She glared.
    “I didn’t know I needed to prepare to have you take it from me,” she snapped.
    I laughed.
    “No guy who wants your gun is going to tell you he’s about to take it,” I informed her dryly.
    She pursed her lips, crossing her arms over her ample chest and glared.
    With one last look, I handed her the gun and left without another word.
    This would be one long night.

    I was going to die.
    Like really, seriously going to die if I had to listen to one more minute of this torture.
    I was fucked.
    Well and truly fucked.
    I’d had the inside of Annie’s place wired when she’d moved out of her old house and into the back of her store.
    So that meant I not only had a visual but also an ear into what happened in Annie’s place.
    I don’t really know how I’d done it, but when I’d gone to the app to make sure everything was working, like I always did at least once a day, I’d seen something I shouldn’t have ever seen.
    Annie’s naked body.
    I’d flinched the moment I saw her, hastily trying to close out of the screen, and in my haste, I’d dropped my phone and shattered the screen.
    But the audio on it still worked, which was why I was now staring up at Annie’s window, watching the silhouette of her body, and listening to her masturbate to my name.
    At first I wasn’t sure what she was doing.
    I could hear drawers open and close.
    The squeaky boards of her floor as she walked across them.
    Then the light in the window had turned on.
    I’d watched with rapt attention through the curtains, made sheer by the light, as she’d walked to the bed, lifted her leg to place on the edge, and then proceeded to masturbate.
    The sounds of her breathing had picked up.
    Her cries of pleasure tore through me, making my eyes cross as I gathered my willpower around me and held onto my bike’s handlebars for dear life.
    Now we were on minute thirteen of masturbation, and my eyes widened as she pulled out a monster of a dildo.
    She was helpful by holding it up to the light for me to see, working it over one breast, then the other.
    Then she brought it up to her mouth, licked it up and down, then proceeded to lower her hand and run the massive thing up and down the lips of her sex.
    Most of it was only my imagination since I couldn’t see everything.
    I only assumed that was what she was doing, but it wasn’t rocket science.
    And when she no longer kept the back and forth movement, but switched to the up and down movement, I knew she’d inserted the dildo into her pussy.
    Knew it with the same sureness that the sun would rise in the morning.
    Her head fell back, and her locks of hair cascaded down her back in rolling waves.
    Her free hand lifted, and she plucked at her nipple.
    Her breathing hitched, and she started to chant my name like a war cry.
    “Mig! Oh, God. Yes, Mig!” She keened.
    Even if I hadn’t had my phone’s audio stuck on, I would’ve still heard those cries.
    And had she screamed anybody else’s name in that moment, I would’ve burst through her backdoor, walked into her room, and then fucked the ever loving hell out of her to inspire her to use only my name from then on.
    And then her orgasm was upon her, and she collapsed onto the bed face first.
    The only thing I could make out then was her heart shaped ass.
    And the only image I could conjure up was my cock lining up with her soft entrance, surging inside, and claiming what should be mine.
    The only thing that saved her was the trill of my phone.
    I pressed on the screen where my answer button used to reside, and was thankful when the phone immediately stopped ringing, indicating I’d answered the call.
    “Yeah?” I grunted.
    Griffin’s tone didn’t sound at all happy.
    “Found the ex-husband.”
    I nodded. “Okay? Where is

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