Misha: Lanning's Leap

Misha: Lanning's Leap by Kathi S. Barton

Book: Misha: Lanning's Leap by Kathi S. Barton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathi S. Barton
bodies of the woman are ours to inspect and they haven’t been moved.” Misha told them everything he knew as Rider drove. By the time they got to the airport, his brothers knew as much as he did.
    Misha tried to engage Carter in some banter as they flew to Wyoming , but he only nodded at him. He felt his heart twist in his chest when he saw him talking and laughing with Phillip and Andrew. By the time they landed, Misha was hurting and he didn’t know how to fix it. He finally asked Carter about Hannah.
    “We play chess and we talk about books. Believe it or not, you’re never mentioned and she never asks about anything you might be doing.” Misha doubted that was the case and said that to him. “Then you’ll believe or not believe me when I tell you that she’s too good for you, and that I really wish you’d leave her alone. Right now it all sounds like it’s going to be good for her, but I don’t think you’ve thought this through. She’s going to be hurt by this, much like Mom was with Dad.”
    “ I’m not our dad.” Carter didn’t say anything. “I’m not. He was a bastard that wanted his freedom more than he wanted a family. I’ve made it perfectly clear that I want no children and that she can be safe with me.”
    “ And that’s enough for you?” Misha nodded. “Well, I wish you the best of luck then. I’m certainly glad that I won’t be here when the shit hits the fan. Because I’ve no doubt, big brother, that you’re going to regret this more than you can imagine.”
    “I don’t know what you mean. I can’t see my own daughter? Why are you doing this to me?” Bella tried to use her considerable charms on the man at the desk, but he was probably queer or something. He was sneering at her like she was something dirty. “I demand that you let me see her right now.”
    “I’m sorry, Mrs. Oliver , but the doctor has it stated that she is to have no visitors until he finishes with his write-up. I believe you were notified of the hearing by mail.” She more than likely was, but she couldn’t get her mail because she had no idea how to get it. Her daughter had done that for them. “There will be a findings hearing on Monday. And if you call in the afternoon, I can have someone give—”
    “I don’t want her having no evaluati ng hearing. I want her to get her ass home. I’m better equipped at handling her insane self now, and I can take care of her like she needs.” The man started shaking his head. “You’re going to let me go back and see her or so help me, I’ll call the police.”
    He turned the phone her way and told her to press nine to get an outside line. Bella was so pissed off she actually picked up the phone to call them, but put it down. If the police came here looking for trouble, they’d only have to look at her to find it. She was slightly stoned as well, as she’d been having a little too much fun since she’d been on her own. But the rent was due again and there wasn’t enough left of the money her daughter had left in her room to do more than rent a movie. Which reminded her, she was going to pick up that new one on the way home. She looked up at the man she’d had bring her here. She had no idea what his name was, but he’d told her he’d bring her here for a quick blow job. She’d have to do that too, and more if she wanted him to take her to the video rental store, too.
    “You go and get her then if you won’t let me go and see her. That’s not breaking the rules now, is it?” She batted her eyes at him, and he shook his head. “Fuck this shit, I’m going back there.”
    Before she could get around the desk, there were two security guards standing in front of the big door. She might have been able to take one of them, but two? Not really. Giving the guy at the desk her best glare, she went out to the car with her driver.
    “I have to go someplace else.” He told her she had to pay up first. “Here in the car? You don’t want to go

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