Mistletoe in Maine
with dessert.”
    “No dessert for me,” Velma proclaimed. “Pauly’s stew is always delicious. I couldn’t eat another bite!”
    Amy shot a perplexed look at Zach, who immediately jumped in. “Come now, Mama Bear, surely you’ve got room for one more little thing?”
    “You really should try the trifle,” Daniel said, breezing by on his way into the kitchen for more coffee.
    “Yes, the trifle is good,” Amy agreed.
    “I’m partial to the chocolate mousse myself!” Beth called from across the way.
    “Hmm, and the pumpkin pie is delicious,” Carol said.
    “Very tasty,” Will chimed in.
    “Extra good!” Ashley added.
    Velma set down her napkin and eyed them all suspiciously. “Is something going on?” she asked slowly, turning her eyes back on Zach. He shrugged with the utmost look of innocence.
    Everybody else just stared at her. “Well, okay!” she finally conceded. “I guess I’ll have dessert.”
    There was a communal sigh of relief as everyone went back to their business. Seconds later, Paul arrived from the kitchen with something under a silver dome on a tray. “House special,” he said, setting it before her. “Compliments of the gentleman.”
    Velma stared at Zach, agape. “You didn’t?”
    He nodded smugly.
    “You made me a coconut cream pie?”
    Her face warmed into a bright, beautiful grin, causing her to look several years younger. “I’m just teasing, you big hunk!”
    All eyes were on them as Zach stood and lifted the dome’s lid. Underneath, a dark ring box sat open, exposing a pretty solitaire offset by emeralds. “The green reminded me of your eyes.
    “Velma,” he said, taking her hand. She brought her other to her heart. “I don’t want to walk through the North Woods without you.”
    The hush in the room was palpable as candles flickered and snow pinged against the windowpanes. Velma stared at Paul. “You were in on this?” He nodded. “Well, I suppose you told him I generally say no.”
    Zach’s face fell as everyone’s heart broke for him.
    “Except for this time!” she said, leaping up out of her chair and into his arms.
    Carol tucked Ashley in, feeling giddy from the celebratory champagne. What a fun day it had been, right down to that wonderful surprise proposal at dinner. Though she hadn’t known them long, she felt so happy for Velma and Zach. They were clearly suited to each other and would serve each other well as partners and friends in the years to come. Carol wistfully thought of Paul carting that ring box out on a tray. For a moment, when she’d gazed at him, she’d imagined foolishly that he’d been bringing it for her. She’d known in advance it was for Velma. Paul had advised them all of the plan and enlisted their support. It was just hard not to pretend for one split second that a man might feel that forever way about her, then actually stick around to prove it. She even thought Paul had glimpsed her staring at him, and reddened, turning away. How silly he would think her for having such thoughts. Not that she’d ever, in a million years, share them.
    “Get your rest now, sweetie,” Carol said. “Santa comes tonight!”
    “There’s no Santa. I know that.”
    “No one’s ever too old to believe in the Christmas spirit. I still do.”
    Ashley scrunched up her face. “Then why won’t you believe in my Christmas moose?”
    “What’s so special about this moose anyway?”
    Ashley shrugged under the covers. “You never believe in good stuff anymore.”
    “I believe in you,” Carol said with a smile. “And you’re pretty special.”
    She scooted down under the covers, pulling them up to her chin. “That’s not the same thing.”
    Carol kissed her on the head and said nighty-night before switching off the light. Once again, she saw it. Some sort of bright light streaming in a tiny beam through the thick woods. She tiptoed toward the window and peered out.
    Ashley sat up partway in bed. “What are you

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