Momentous Kisses: Love in Sandy Beach

Momentous Kisses: Love in Sandy Beach by Jessica Gray Page B

Book: Momentous Kisses: Love in Sandy Beach by Jessica Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Gray
someone quickly.”
    “Thanks.” Relief spread throughout his body. He had no idea what he was going to do next, but for the first time in a long time he felt free. Ally is right, happiness is much more important than money.
    The one thing he knew was that he loved Allison and wanted to be with her. They’d have to figure out the details, but for now, he was ready to take the plunge and tell her the “relationship test” had been a success and he was willing to take things to the next level.
    His fingers itched to call her, but he decided to deliver the good news in person. He glanced at his schedule and noticed he still had several more patients to see before he could leave. He made reservations at one of the city’s most romantic restaurants and then headed back out to deal with the next patient.
    Tonight, he would tell Allison he wanted to be with her, and he’d make sure the evening was memorable.

Chapter 17
    Allison did go back to sleep, and when she woke up almost at noon her nausea was gone. She showered and was about to leave for Russell’s clinic to meet with the facility manager when her cell phone rang.
    “Hey, Reese. I was just stepping out. What’s up?”
    “I wanted to remind you about the barbecue at Mom and Dad’s two days from now.”
    Allison wrinkled her eyebrows. “Gosh, totally forgot about it. What’s the date?”
    Reese laughed into the phone and told her the date. “Now that you’re with a man you forget about the rest of us? That’s not nice, Ally.”
    Allison froze. I should have had my period by now . She grabbed a calendar and checked the dates again. I’m three days late. That has never happened before.
    She vaguely remembered the first time she’d slept with Russell after the party. The condom had slipped off, but she hadn’t worried about it. Guess maybe I should have. No way. That’s not possible. Is it?
    Allison shut her eyes and tried to breathe through her panic. “I’m here.” Her voice quivered despite her best efforts to keep it calm and steady.
    “What’s wrong?” her sister asked.
    “You’re fighting with Russell, aren’t you? What about? Maybe I can help…”
    “I’m not fighting with Russell. He’s so wonderful, the best man I’ve ever met. I’m falling in love with him. A lot.”
    “Then what is it? I know something is wrong. If it’s not Russell, what then?”
    Allison scrambled for a believable excuse. “I guess I’m just nervous. It’s the first time I’ve fallen in love that much.”
    “Try again.” Of course her sister saw through her feeble excuse.
    Allison sighed. She might as well tell her. “I’m late.”
    “Late?” It took a few moments until Reese grasped the momentous meaning of late . Then she whispered into the phone, “Tell me you used condoms.”
    “Of course we did, but the first time something went wrong and it slipped off.”
    “Oh my god! You need to make sure.”
    “Ahh, I’m probably late because I’ve been so stressed out with the trip and everything.”
    “Allison Paxton, you need to buy a test and take it right away. Promise me or I’ll come and do it for you.”
    Despite her panic she had to laugh. Reese would be capable of rushing to Chicago and forcing her to take the test. “Fine. But I’m sure I’m panicking for nothing.”
    “Then you have nothing to worry about. Go get a test and then call me with the results. Today.”
    “Okay, I will.”
    Allison laughed, even though she was scared. “Right now. I’ll run down to the corner store and buy a test right now. Will that satisfy you?”
    “Yes. I’ll be waiting for your call.”
    Allison threw on her shoes and hurried down to the corner convenience store. She kept her eyes down and picked up the first test she spied. She paid for it and then tucked the brown paper bag under her arm and hurried back up to Russell’s apartment.
    She entered the bathroom and with trepidation, followed the directions

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