Money Shot
that my un-gloved arm, and most of my clothes, were stiff with horse guts.
    He pointed me out of the barn and toward the large ranch house and a shower, telling me where towels were, and where to find an extra shirt and pants for after.
    Chapter Two

    I heard the singing before I heard the water running, and I followed the sweet, joyful sound down the hall to the guest bathroom.
    As usual, the bathroom door’s broken lock meant that as the pressure difference from the hot, steamy air inside the bathroom meeting with the colder, drier air in the hall from the air conditioner kicking on, the door cracked open an inch or two, allowing all the heated air from inside the bathroom to flow out into the hall.
    It also meant that I could see into the bathroom, somewhat.
    I stood outside the door for a second, not peeking inside, but trying to place the feminine voice showering in the hallway.
    I also made a mental reminder to add fixing this door lock to the list of things I, or my brother, needed to get around to doing inside the ranch house, instead of focusing all of our time and money on things that needed to be done outside, with the horses, cows and what-have-you.
    The singing stopped, as did the sound of the running water, and I started to step away from the bathroom door, like I was about to get caught doing something wrong. I took a few steps back the direction I’d come from, trying to get away from the door before the person inside realized that it was open, but then I remembered that I’d been heading the other way, and headed back.
    Just as I was about to be clear of the door and on my way, the door opened wide and a soft, warm, feminine body collided with mine in the hall.
    “What the hell? Were you watching me? Did you open the door?”
    “No! Of course not. I was just walking by. You ran into me . I was just passing through. And everyone knows this latch is broken. Usually people use one of the other bathrooms, or they prop this one closed with that towel holder if they’re going to use this one.”
    “Maybe you should have told me that before you sent me in here to shower? I was only following directions, remember?”
    “I didn’t... ”
    Before I could say that I didn’t send her anywhere, as I had no idea who she was or why she was showering in this hallway to begin with, she slammed the door in my face.
    Of course, since the latch was broken, it just bounced in its frame and swung open again, wider this time.
    She turned to glare at me, and I just shrugged my shoulders in a ‘see? It’s broken!’ look, wondering who she was and why she was so pissed at me when all I did was walk down the hall.
    She surprised me though. Instead of turning on me again in anger or embarrassment, she turned toward me with her face beaming, a clean white towel wrapped around her body, and her hair tied up in a messy knot on top of her head.
    I was suddenly struck by her beauty. Ok, maybe she wasn’t classically beautiful, but she was striking, for sure.
    The joy on her face lit her from within, and her eyes shone bright with color. Her skin glowed pink from the heat of the shower, and I found myself imagining what it would be like to tug the towel from around her, and see her in all of her glory, right before pulling her close, tipping her head back, and tasting those full, pink, grinning lips.
    “Was that not the coolest thing ever? I mean, I’ve seen that a million times, but I’ve never been a part of it before. Not really. Dad always brings me with him when I’m home, but he makes me hand him stuff. I don’t normally get to help much. It was beautiful.”
    Surprised and confused, I muttered, “What was the coolest thing ever? The door swinging open?”
    “No! The colt being born. You were right when you said that sometimes you’ve just got to jump in blind and see what happens.”
    “That does sound like me, but

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