Money Shot
teach. Listen to him, and do what he says.”
    “You are about to experience something amazing, if you’ll just relax and go with it. The first time is just... beautiful. Trust me, Grace. Can you trust me?”
    “I don’t even know you.”
    “That’s not what I asked.”
    I looked at him, as the mare’s contraction squeezed the life out of my arm once again.
    I’d read ‘All Creatures Great And Small’ as a young teen, trying to get a sense of what my dad actually did for a living as a country vet, and I’d seen my dad come home, day after day, sometimes joyous, sometimes despondent, after a day spent doctoring animals. When it came time to go to college and aim for a career, there had been no other profession I even considered.
    I’d always wanted to be a vet, just like my dad, but at nineteen and staring vet school in the face, with my arm up a mare’s birth canal, I was suddenly reconsidering my life choices.
    “Can you trust me?” The sexy cowboy asked me the same question again, and there was nothing more I wanted in this world than to see the knowledge hidden behind those eyes, and I knew that giving myself over to him was the only way it was going to happen.
    For the first time in my life, I jumped in with both feet.
    “Yes. I trust you.”
    He smiled at me and just said, “Feel around. She’s got a small horse in there, your arm isn’t going to bother her in the slightest. You know what horses look and feel like. Close your eyes and ‘see’ this horse. And tell me what you feel.”
    So I did.
    It was warm and slick, and the mare’s contractions played havoc on my arm, but after a few minutes, even feeling through the thick, balloon-like sac covering the colt, I could picture it in my mind.
    “That’s... that’s a nose, and shoulders, and a hoof.”
    “Feel around, try to find its other hoof. She isn’t backward, she’s just... awkward. Find her other hoof, and see if you can pull it, so both hooves are together.”
    I felt around, but could only find what seemed to be the foal’s knee.
    “Follow it, and pull. Try to get her leg to unfold. Hooves first is best.”
    “I think... I need both hands.”
    “Here, let me get you... ”
    I didn’t wait for the glove I knew he was reaching for, I just slid my other hand inside, my eyes still closed, intent on the image in my head of this colt’s leg being stuck and causing all the problems we were trying to fix.
    Any words spoken around me seemed to disappear, and I went with what felt right. I’d seen this done a million times, and the sexy cowboy was right, this was amazing.
    I had my face pressed to a horse’s ass, literally, and was feeling around inside of her, coaching and guiding the colt’s leg, still inside the thick sac, into the correct position for birthing. I tugged gently, felt some resistance, took a breath and shifted my grip, tugging and testing once again, and suddenly everything shifted.
    “You got it, didn’t you? I just saw her stomach roll some. Both hooves are facing out, with the colt’s nose near its knees?”
    I made sure before answering.
    “Yes. Yes, she’s good now.”
    “Ok, then pull out of there. Hurry, before the next contraction. She should have the rest of this herself. Get out of the way and let her do her thing.”
    Now I’d seen many, many colts born before, but this was the first one I’d had a hand in myself, so once the next contraction brought two hooves and a nose forth, I felt myself grinning like a damn fool.
    The mare took a few minutes to rest before summoning the strength to push out the shoulders, and I knew from watching dad that once the shoulders came, the rest would happen rather quickly, so I just sat back and watched.
    Dad and Sexy watched with me over the next half hour or so as the rest of the birthing process was completed by foal and mare, and eventually sexy noticed

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