Moon Shadows

Moon Shadows by Nora Roberts

Book: Moon Shadows by Nora Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nora Roberts
stepped under the spray of water. And squeezed her eyes tight against the useless weakness of tears.
    She lifted her head again, slowly, when she scented him, and her eyes were already searching when he nudged back the shower curtain.
    â€œI could use a shower myself,” he said casually and took off his shirt.
    â€œNo point in being shy now. I’ve already seen you naked.”
    He stripped down, stepped in behind her. “Jesus, hot enough for you?”
    Her body went rigid when he trailed his fingers over her shoulder, over the only scar she bore from the attack. The bite that had changed her.
    â€œHow can you touch me?”
    â€œHow can I not? And what’s this here?” He skimmed those fingers over her other shoulder, and the small tattoo of a full moon.
    â€œA reminder, that it’s always part of me. I need to—” She broke off, shook her head. When she reached for the soap, he took it first, and began to lather her back.
    â€œLet me give you a hand.”
    â€œDon’t be kind.” Her voice broke. It took all her will to mend it again. “I need a little time to settle before I can deal with kindness.”
    â€œOkay, check the kindness.” His lips glided over her damp skin, just at the curve of neck and shoulder, as his soapy hands slithered over, and up to find her breasts. “What’s your stand on lust?”
    â€œYou can’t want me now.”
    â€œI can’t begin to tell you how much you’re mistaken on that point. Turn around, look at me.” He didn’t wait, but took a firm hold, shifted her. Water streamed over her, pulsing over the sleek blond hair. It was the shame in her eyes, the same he’d seen when she’d waked him, then again in the kitchen, that told him she needed more than his love, more than any hopeful words he might offer.
    She needed his desire.
    â€œI’ve got just one question right now, and that’s why do you avoid saying my name?”
    â€œI don’t.”
    â€œYou do. Why?”
    â€œBecause names are personal. Because I thought it’d be easier to walk away, for both of us.”
    He eased her back, back against the shower wall, with his hands running over her, down her flanks, up her sides, through her hair. “Say it now.” His lips touched hers, retreated. “Say my name now because nobody’s going anywhere.”
    â€œGabe.” She shuddered back a sob. “Gabriel.” Threw her arms around him. “Gabe.”
    â€œSimone.” And now his mouth crushed against hers, not inkindness, not with patience, but with a hunger and demand that struck the shadows from her heart.
    â€œIt’s not pity,” she managed as his greedy hands explored, and took.
    â€œThis feel like pity to you?”
    â€œNo.” On a laugh, a moan, she arched back to let his mouth feast. “No.”
    Her body was long and sleek, the muscles taut and tight, the skin soft as rose petals drenched in dew. She was trembling again, but now he knew it was arousal that shook her. Need that brought her mouth to his in an endless kiss, of warm, wet lips, and seeking tongues.
    Steam billowed, but the almost blistering heat of the water was nothing now, a chill compared to the fire that kindled and burst through him.
    He pressed his mouth to the scar on her shoulder in a gesture of acceptance. Whoever, whatever she was, she was his. And he wanted every part of her.
    â€œI need you so much.” She locked herself around him. “I didn’t know I could need anyone this much.”
    â€œIt’s just beginning, for both of us.” He gripped her hips, and she braced for him, opened for him, watched his eyes as he slipped inside her. He took her slowly, deliberately, even when her vision blurred and he wondered if he would burn up before release. Took her while her head fell back, when she cried out.
    And when her hands slid limply down his

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