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Authors: Keren Hughes
could feel Drake harden against me as he pulled me in for a kiss that left me breathless. The smile that graced my lips was one of desire, but also gratitude. What I had done to deserve this amazing man, I couldn’t say, but I was grateful for fate throwing us together.

    Chapter Eleven
    After a wonderful birthday party with my family all around me, I have a lot to be grateful to my wonderful wife for. There had been music coming over the sound system, themed decorations, and family members all in costume. The table was laid with amazing food and to top it all off, the most awesome birthday cake. We all drank our fair share of wine from big jugs on the table that always seemed to be full. Everything was perfect.
    I’m not normally a big fan of family get togethers. Not because I don’t love my family, but because I always feel uncomfortable, a bit like a spare part. I am also not a fan of fancy dress because it makes me feel like a complete tool. But walking into my dining room to see everyone dressed up, I couldn’t help but smile. There had been so much effort put into the party and I could sense the love that had gone into the night.
    Taking Anna to bed afterwards, I worshipped her like she deserved. Both thoroughly sated, we drifted off to sleep wrapped in each other’s embrace. In the middle of the night I found myself awake and went downstairs for a glass of water. I grab a tumbler and reach for the tap…then turn and pour whiskey into it instead and sit in the den in my wingback chair. I relish the slow burn down the back of my throat as I drink back the amber liquid. I justify it to myself as having a much needed drink after a hard day at work. What had started off as a seemingly tough case had quickly turned to the shittiest case of my career to date. I had been up to my eyeballs all day and had looked forward to a relaxing evening at home with my wife and son. But upon walking through that door, seeing the way Annalise was dressed, I knew relaxation wasn’t on the menu for me.
    I hadn’t expected the party, but it was actually just the tonic I needed after the day from hell. But if that was the case, what am I doing sneaking downstairs for a tumbler of whiskey? I’m a damn contradiction.
    So here I’m sat with a second glass of whiskey in my hand, contemplating why I feel I need this. Is it just that I had an awful day? Or is it more than that?

    Chapter Twelve
    I woke the morning after the party to an empty space in bed beside me. I felt a little gutted as I had woken up from a very sensual dream in the hopes of re-enacting scenes with my sexy husband. Feeling a little perturbed, I got up and wrapped my dressing gown around me, found my slippers, and padded softly down the hall to Ayden’s room. Seeing he was still asleep, I turned and headed for the stairs.
    I descended the staircase to a quiet house. Not a sound to be heard, except the birds singing in the trees outside.
    Walking to the lounge, I found it empty. I backtracked to the kitchen and that too, was empty. The den and the dining room were the only other possibilities, so I headed for the den. The door was slightly ajar and as I peered round it, I saw Drake asleep on the chaise lounge. A tumbler seemed to have fallen from his hand to the carpet at some point, so I quietly stepped inside, retrieved the glass, and draped the blanket from the back of the chaise over a sleeping Drake. That was when I decided to start cleaning up from the night before. Clearing the plates, goblets, jugs, and a multitude of other things from the party took a couple of hours. Just as I’d finished loading the dishwasher, a strong pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I turned in his hold and stood on tiptoe to kiss him.
    Instantly the smell of whiskey assaulted my nostrils and I had to step backwards, breaking Drake’s hold on me. A look of hurt briefly flashed in

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