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Authors: Keren Hughes
warm green gaze.
    “Now that’s the kind of thing that makes me forget I had a really shit day at work with Godzilla breathing down my neck,” Drake said, chuckling as he moved to rearrange himself discreetly.
    “Well, you’re home now and tea is nearly cooked, so how about we go through to the dining room?” I asked as I took his hand.
    “Where’s my boy?” he asked, looking around.
    “He’s in the lounge.”
    We went to get Ayden before walking to the dining room. Drake looked Ayden over, surely puzzled at how he was dressed. I pulled him down the hallway where he saw a sign on the door saying ‘Welcome to Westeros, Ser Drake.’ He looked at me with a confused expression before opening the door.
    Walking in and flicking the light switch, Drake’s expression transformed as everyone shouted “Surprise.” He looked around at everyone, then his gaze landed on me. I smiled as I saw the look of love in his eyes. We walked further into the room and I pulled out the chair at the head of the table for him to sit down. Food was laid out on the table and there was wine in jugs with goblets for us to drink from. Meghan had really gone all out when it came to keeping to the theme. She had run everything by me beforehand to make sure it was okay, and I could say that between us, we had really managed to pull it off. I knew that Drake was admiring everything and everyone as he looked at us all. We were all decked out in fancy dress. I was dressed in a flowing dress, having chosen to come as Daenerys Targaryen, his favourite female character. Ayden was dressed as Tyrion Lannister and everyone else had come as other characters. Drake even had his own costume hanging in our bedroom. I knew he hated going to parties in fancy dress, but I hoped he would be a good sport and go along with it. I had chosen for him to dress as Jon Snow—he already had similar hair after all.
    Drake surprised me by how easy he had been to convince to go and put his costume on. He had returned to his own little Westeros looking every inch the dashing Jon Snow. I walked from the kitchen carrying his cake and the look of awe on his face told me I’d got it right. Perfect? Probably not. But I knew he liked it, nonetheless.
    “You are amazing,” he said in a hushed tone as he admired the throne that I set down on the table.
    “Thank you.” I felt the blush creep across my cheeks. No matter how many times Drake complimented me, I always blushed a deep shade of red.
    He stood and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me in for a kiss in front of everyone. It may not have been a deep and passionate kiss, but it still made my desire for him skyrocket.
    The rest of the party went by in a flurry of drinking, eating, and conversation. There was no feuding in our Westeros, unlike the one portrayed on television. There was no poison in the wine, no fighting between members of different families. All in all it was one of the most entertaining evenings I could remember. And though he had not wanted to cut into it, he gave everyone a piece of his throne. He wanted to keep Tyrion for himself, but ended up sharing it with his son and nephew.
    We saw everyone out to their cars at the end of the evening, and then Drake put Ayden to bed. He quietly made his way back downstairs to the dining room and poured himself a glass of whiskey from the decanter in the cabinet.
    “Leave this mess until the morning, babe,” he whispered as he walked up behind me while I was bent over collecting plates from the table.
    His caress over my backside told me what he had in mind. I giggled and turned to my husband.
    “Have you had a good birthday, darling?”
    “The best.”
    Drake leant into me and nuzzled my neck, kissing the sweet spot just underneath my ear. Shivers ran down my back and I felt a flicker of desire burn low in my abdomen as he kissed each section of exposed skin. My dress for the evening hadn’t been meant to be particularly provocative, but I

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