Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Gray

Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Gray by Dorothy Love

Book: Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Gray by Dorothy Love Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dorothy Love
    “I’m trying to. But Robert has a will of iron. The more I push, the more he resists.”
    “You too have a will of your own. You always have.” Mother finished off another row and set aside her knitting. “I have some news that I hope will please you.”
    “Oh?” I set down my cup.
    “I have decided to bring Selina Norris in to train as a housekeeper.”
    “She’s awfully young.”
    “But she is biddable and eager to learn. She must be trained to do something useful, and I have abandoned any hope of turning her into a fine seamstress.”
    “Have you told her?”
    “Not yet. I thought you might like to do it. She has always been your favorite.”
    “I don’t think she will object, so long as she is allowed to continue her lessons.”
    “She belongs to us, Mary. She is hardly in a position to object to anything. Especially after that dreadful Nat Turner episode.”
    “Papa was just saying that some bondsmen have become restless and discontented lately. It seems prudent to allow them as much self-determination as possible.”
    “Perhaps.” Mother rose. “I should speak with George about our dinner. Would you like to rest awhile?”
    “I am tired.”
    “I’ll send Rose up to help you.”
    “I can manage. She can unpack for me later.”
    “Don’t worry so much about Cousin Robert. He is the dearest man I know, and I have every confidence he will do everything in his power to assure your happiness.”
    I went up to my room. Our room now. Robert’s and mine. Rose had seen to the fire, and the room was warm and glowing with soft light. I looked out the window past the winter-drab garden to the far hills where Father and Robert walked side by side, their hands clasped behind their backs. I shucked out of my dress and crawled beneath the covers.
    I was home.
    Christmas Eve had arrived cold and damp. Father brought in the remnant of last year’s Yule log with which to start this year’s fire. After supper we gathered in the parlor to prepare presents and hang our stockings, none of us wanting the evening to end.
    Now the first gray light of Christmas morning stole into the room. Beside me in the feather bed Robert was still asleep. I leaned over and whispered in his ear, “Christmas gift!”
    He came awake and took me into his arms. “Happy Christmas, Mrs. Lee.”
    “Quit stalling.” I planted a kiss on his cheek. “I called Christmas gift first, so now you have to give me something.”
    “All right.” He drew me closer and nuzzled my neck. One hand brushed my bare thigh. “How about—”
    I swatted him away. “Shh. My parents are downstairs.”
    He laughed. “They know we’re married.”
    “The servants will be awake soon. You know how they like to catch us out for their presents.”
    “All right. If nothing else will do. Look inside my travel satchel.” I tumbled from the bed to retrieve his leather traveling bag. Inside was a small flat package wrapped in red paper. I opened it to find a pair of garnet earbobs set in gold.
    “Robert! They are exquisite.” I leaned into the mirror to try them on. “They are beautiful, but . . . can we afford them?”
    “I saved up to buy them. I thought you ought to have something special for our first Christmas together. Something you can pass on to a daughter someday.” He waggled his brows at me. “A child of our own, who will make her appearance sooner rather than later, is my dearest hope.”
    I chose not to reply, as the idea of motherhood was still too new and strange. I retrieved his present from its hiding place. He sat up in bed, his dark hair falling over his forehead, and untied the green ribbon. “Is this what I think it is? Is this President Washington’s silver?”
    It pleased me greatly to see how excited he was to own something that had belonged to a man he so revered.
    “Yes. I asked Father whether I might give you a single place setting. To take with you wherever you are posted. And if you decide to leave the army, it can

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