Murder on Wheels

Murder on Wheels by Lynn Cahoon

Book: Murder on Wheels by Lynn Cahoon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn Cahoon
her throat.
    â€œAre you ladies ready to order?” Carrie sounded tired. “Or should I come back at a better time. Like Christmas?”
    â€œSorry.” I listed off my salad order and watched as Amy struggled to make her food decision before Carrie turned toward her. I think she just panicked when Carrie looked at her.
    â€œI’ll have the meat loaf platter.” Amy held out her menu. “So how are you feeling?”
    Carrie leaned against the table. “You can say it, I look worn out. My doctor thinks I might have a gluten allergy. I totally laughed at him, but I was planning to try to clean up my diet before Austin’s wife died. You never know when your ticket’s going to be drawn, so it’s better to live life to the fullest.”
    I’d never met anyone with a gluten allergy before and now, in a week, I’d talked to two people. “What are the symptoms? Tiredness? Is that all?”
    â€œMigraines, mood swings, digestive issues, the symptoms run the gamut. Even if I am allergic, I’m not as severe as some people. My doctor said he has patients who can go into anaphylactic shock if they eat something with wheat, barley, or rye.” Carrie eyed the menu. “Aren’t you sorry you asked?”
    When she left the table, Amy leaned closer. “Are you feeling all right?”
    â€œI’m fine. I was just interested. Did you know that Kacey had a severe wheat allergy? She told me about it when we were talking about the food truck.” I sipped my water and wondered exactly how Kacey had died. Greg had been less than forthcoming about the cause of death, but that could have been because of Sadie and her possible involvement. Or im possible involvement, to be exact.
    â€œThe day we went to lunch we talked about her health. She was really limited as to what she could order on the menu. I don’t think she kept her condition a secret from anyone.” Amy studied me. “You don’t think that’s how she died, do you? What does Greg say?”
    â€œNothing. Which makes me think there is something fishy about her death. If it was an accident, he would have already closed the case and wouldn’t have questioned Nick.” My eyes widened as I clamped my mouth shut. I hadn’t meant to tell anyone, even Amy, about that part.
    â€œYou’re kidding me? Greg thought pure-as-snow Nick could have murdered someone?” Amy shook her head in disbelief. “I think your boyfriend is grasping at straws.”
    We paused as another server dropped off our iced teas. I lowered my voice. “You can’t say I told you this, but Sadie got a notebook left on her doorstep with all the recipes Austin had conned out of her when they were dating. And Kacey had notes on the pages on how to turn them gluten-free.” I shrugged and took the paper sleeve off my straw. “At least I assume it was Kacey’s handwriting. Austin is a Class A jerk. I bet Kacey didn’t even know where the recipes came from.”
    â€œI don’t think he actually hurt Sadie intentionally.” Amy crossed her arms. “You’re making it sound like the only reason he was dating her was to get ahold of her recipes. That’s cold, man.”
    I put my hands up in mock surrender. “All I know is, the notebook was on Sadie’s doorstep. Someone had left it there in the middle of the night. So Greg had to make sure that Nick didn’t break into the food truck to steal back his mom’s recipes. That’s all.”
    Our food arrived and we ate in silence for a few minutes, each one lost in her own thoughts. Or at least I was. Amy had rented the second-floor apartment from Austin for years. She probably knew him better than anyone else in South Cove. The man was a mystery. He never talked about his past or people he knew. I’d never even suspected he and Kacey had been married and separated.
    Amy’s phone chirped and she looked at

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