My Boyfriends' Dogs

My Boyfriends' Dogs by Dandi Daley Mackall

Book: My Boyfriends' Dogs by Dandi Daley Mackall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dandi Daley Mackall
back for a little hug.
    I was sure there was nothing to it. This was my mother we were talking about. But I stayed where I was, out of sight, until Went got into his car.
    Mom turned, looking dazed or puzzled, and walked back to Amber. “Amber, am I crazy, or did that boy just hit on me?”
    Amber’s answer came like a flash. “You’re not crazy. He’s hit on me, too.”

    â€œAmber! Went hit on you?” Mom sounded shocked.
    Adam scratched at my leg. I picked him up and retreated farther, one foot in the kitchen, one in the garage.
    â€œMore than once,” Amber admitted. “Almost as soon as he showed up, after Bailey was already into him. A couple of times since then, too.”
    I couldn’t see Mom’s expression, but I could imagine it. “Did you tell her?”
    â€œAre you kidding?” Amber said. “She’s crazy about him, Big D. I couldn’t do it.”
    I buried my face in Adam’s furry neck. Tears pressed behind my eyeballs, but I wouldn’t let them out. I didn’t want to know that part of Went. That wasn’t my Went.
    I breathed in Adam’s earthy scent. Then I made a noisy entrance to join Mom and Amber in the garage. It took all I had to pretend I hadn’t heard a word.
    I pretended a lot after that. I pretended not to hear the rumors about Carly and Went, and Meagan and Went, and Went and Whoever at Dave’s parties. I pretended not to mind if Went didn’t ask me out on the weekend. I pretended it didn’t matter that he’d started leaving Adam at my house night and day. I was glad to have Adam around. But it meant Went and I spent less time together.
    Still, the time I did spend with my boyfriend was sweeter than ever. He couldn’t have been more caring or more loving when we were alone together. Some nights we sat outside or in the empty amphitheater at Millet Park and watched the stars. I lived for those moments, when he’d hold me and tell me how beautiful I was, when he’d kiss me and make me feel things I’d never felt before.
    Each minute with Went was a new experience, even our make-out times—which I would never call them because it meant too much to me, and to him, too, I was sure. One night he’d kiss my ear and breathe softly into it, and I could have melted into the soft spring grass. The next time he’d kiss my neck and send off tiny explosions through my nervous system. I was falling deeper and deeper in love. And I was willing to do whatever it took to stay there.
    A few weeks before school let out for summer, Went got himself a car. It wasn’t much to look at, but it was his. He picked me up for school every morning. I missed our walks, but riding to school with Went and walking in with him had to make it clear to people like Carly and Meagan that Went Smith was taken—by me.
    Sometimes at night we took long drives and parked on country roads. We’d sit together, close on his not-bucket seats, and kiss. Or we’d climb up on the hood of his car and lean back against the windshield. Those were the times when things got tense. We didn’t come out and talk about “it,” but I knew Went wanted to steal second base, race past third, and slide home. And he knew I didn’t. Or wouldn’t. Eventually, he’d get frustrated, and so would I, and he’d drive me home in silence.
    Things were getting pretty frustrating at school, too, especially in the cafeteria.
    â€œBailey, can’t you tell your boyfriend to tell Carly to eat somewhere else?” Amber complained. “I’m so tired of having the whole Dave Crew, plus Carly, invade lunch.” She grinned at Darius, who was sitting next to me. “No offense, Darius.”
    Darius laughed. “None taken.” When Darius laughed, I could still see through the shaved head and arm tatts to the kid who’d sat by me in Sunday school. “Don’t let it get to

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