My Lucky Stars

My Lucky Stars by Michele Paige Holmes

Book: My Lucky Stars by Michele Paige Holmes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michele Paige Holmes
head-to-toe with marshmallow and chocolate, or screaming, Ellen still seemed to want to be close to them.
    Reaching up, Tara grabbed the handle of the passenger door and hoisted herself into the truck.
    “ You’re coming?” The dismay in Cadie’s voice echoed what they all felt.
    “Yep,” Tara said as she settled in next to Cadie’s booster seat. “And I’m planning to sleep.” So don’t bother me , she added with a look. She put her purse on the floor beside the hermit crab’s cage and reached for her seat belt. The truck had good-sized windows, and with the cold air seeping through them, she’d probably be okay. As long as she could see out and get air.
    She buckled the seat belt over the pink sweater Ben had picked out the previous evening. That he’d chosen a decent pair of jeans and a nice sweater for her should have earned him some points, but for some reason it had made her more irritated. Farmer Boy wasn’t supposed to be right about things—especially finding cheap women’s clothing.
    Last night’s incident with Cadie had bothered Tara too. Ben had handled the situation perfectly, as though he had a dozen kids of his own. It irked Tara to see him so kind to the whiney little girl when he’d been so curt with her yesterday. And that bit he’d said to Cadie about thanking her lucky stars. What, was Ben the male Pollyanna or something? She’d never met a guy like him before, and she still couldn’t quite believe he really was as he appeared to be. He was so different—unusual—weird.
    Fascinating. And she did not want to be fascinated by a pig farmer.
    Less than ten hours, and you’ll never have to see him again. That brought a smile to her lips. This nightmare’s almost over.
    Ben started up the truck, and they were off. Cadie leaned over Tara, straining for a last look at her home.
    “It’ll be okay, kiddo,” Ben said kindly. “Knowing your dad, he’s picked out a really cool house for you in Denver.”
    Cadie just nodded and swallowed, doing her best to hold in despair. Tears filled her eyes, and her lips were pressed tightly together, as if she were holding back a sob or scream. Tara could relate. She’d been doing a bit of that herself the past few days.
    * * *
    “Will you paint my nails?” Cadie asked, her face about an inch from Tara’s.
    Tara opened her eyes and blinked then leaned back so she could focus. What’s the kid doing, getting in my space like that? She shook her head. “No. Can’t you see I’m sleeping?” She edged toward the door, as far away from Cadie as possible.
    “But yesterday I saw nail polish in your purse. It was purple. I like purple. Please?”
    “No.” Tara shut her eyes, hoping that was the end of it.
    “Will you paint my nails, Uncle Ben?”
    “Can’t. I’ve got to drive. Why don’t you take a nap, and maybe when you wake up, we’ll be there.”
    “How long have we been driving?” Tara sat up and looked hopefully at her surroundings.
    Ben chuckled. “Forty minutes.”
    She frowned at him. “That’s not funny. And why do grown-ups tell kids things like that anyway? It’s mean. Like she’ll really sleep for eight hours.”
    “Like you can’t share a little of your purple nail polish?” Ben glanced over, arching an eyebrow.
    Tara frowned. “It’ll make the truck smell.”
    “Doesn’t bother me,” Ben said. “I’m used to bad smells—living on a farm and all.” He grinned.
    “Please?” Cadie said again. “You’re not sleeping now.”
    “That’s because your uncle tricked me.”
    “Not on purpose,” Ben said.
    Cadie tilted her face, leaning close to Tara once more. “Please.”
    “Fine.” Tara bent down to get her purse. She found the polish quickly—with her wallet and makeup gone, there wasn’t much left in her purse to search through. “Let me see your hands.”
    She held out a set of stubby, chewed nails.
    Tara grimaced. “Not much there to paint.”
    “Shouldn’t take long then,” Ben said.
    He was

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