Mystery of the Spider's Clue

Mystery of the Spider's Clue by Gertrude Chandler Warner

Book: Mystery of the Spider's Clue by Gertrude Chandler Warner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gertrude Chandler Warner
the room. He put out his hand. Sam got slowly to his feet, and the two men shook hands, then embraced. Simon had tears in his eyes. “I’ve been such a fool.”
    â€œThat makes two of us, Simon,” Sam said in a choked voice. “That makes two of us.”
    Sam was true to his word. Just as soon as he was back on his feet, he cooked a big pot of chili and invited everyone over to enjoy it with him—the four Alden children, Grandfather Alden, Mrs. McGregor, Simon, Thomas, and Rose. And, of course, Watch.
    â€œI still can’t believe it,” said Sam, shaking his head. “I never thought I’d see the day my brother would be sitting right here in my kitchen.” Sam looked happier than the Aldens had ever seen him.
    â€œWell, you’d better get used to it,” said Simon as he helped himself to another bowl of chili. “I’ll be retiring next month, and I can’t think of a better place to spend my retirement years than right here in Greenfield.”

    Grandfather Alden smiled. “It’s a wonderful town.”
    Simon sat back in his chair. “Years ago, I told my brother he was making a big mistake to come back to Greenfield. But I was wrong.” He turned to Sam. “You live in a town where everyone loves and respects you. I envy you for that. I just wish . . .” Simon paused. “I just wish you’d let me help you out, Sam. I’ve done really well in the carpet business, you know.”
    Sam suddenly got up from the table. He walked across the room and opened a drawer. When he came back to the table, he was holding his bank book. “Take a look at my savings account, Simon,” he said.
    Simon let out a low whistle when he saw the balance. “I had no idea you were doing so well, Sam.”
    Sam nodded. “I’ve worked hard all these years. And I haven’t had many needs.”
    Rose clapped her hands. “The Three Musketeers have all done well for themselves,” she said. “And I’ll expect to see all three of you at the Hollow Tree! Especially now that it’s getting spruced up a bit,” she added.
    â€œDid the bank approve your loan?” asked Thomas.
    Rose nodded happily. Then she looked over at the Aldens. “That’s the reason I was tottering around in those high heels the day I met you. I had an appointment with the bank manager and I was trying to make a good impression—I guess it worked.”
    Violet smiled. She knew Rose could never have stolen from anybody.
    â€œThanks to the Aldens, everything’s turned out great for all of us!” Sam said.
    â€œAnd thanks to Watch,” added Violet. “He helped solve the mystery.”
    â€œHe sure did,” agreed Henry.
    Watch barked when he heard his name. “Woof, woof!”
    â€œDon’t worry.” Benny gave their little dog a hug. “Another mystery will come along soon. You can count on it!”

About the Author
    G ERTRUDE C HANDLER W ARNER discovered when she was teaching that many readers who like an exciting story could find no books that were both easy and fun to read. She decided to try to meet this need, and her first book, The Boxcar Children, quickly proved she had succeeded.
    Miss Warner drew on her own experiences to write the mystery. As a child she spent hours watching trains go by on the tracks opposite her family home. She often dreamed about what it would be like to set up housekeeping in a caboose or freight car — the situation the Alden children find themselves in.
    When Miss Warner received requests for more adventures involving Henry, Jessie, Violet, and Benny Alden, she began additional stories. In each, she chose a special setting and introduced unusual or eccentric characters who liked the unpredictable.
    While the mystery element is central to each of Miss Warner’s books, she never thought of them as strictly juvenile mysteries. She liked to stress the Aldens’

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