Mystics 3-Book Collection
He rubbed them eagerly. “Well,
today’s your lucky day, my little colts. I have a special
    He surveyed the classroom. “I just got a
report that there’s a major power outage in Broken Hill, New South
Wales, Australia, and we’ve been assigned the job.”
    The classroom erupted in cheers, as though
the fact that Broken Hill had no power was very good news.
Zoey was a little confused. Were they going to learn how to become
electricians? Australia wasn’t around the corner—she figured they
would have to fly. She looked forward to a group trip—it might be
fun. She had never been in an airplane before.
    Agent Vargas stood up. “I want everyone
ready downstairs in the main hall in ten minutes. Don’t forget your
    Zoey watched as everyone jumped from their
seats and ran to the collection of weapons and tools that filled
the shelves along the wall. Not sure if she should join, she stood
up but remained close to her desk.
    Agent Vargas walked over to Zoey. He was
even bigger up close and his bulging muscles were distracting.
“There’s no better way to assess a new operative then to throw them
into the lion’s den. I believe in hands-on training, so you will
participate with the rest of your comrades today. I hope you’re
ready for a little excitement.”
    Zoey’s face brightened—she was going to
become an electrician with the rest of them. It wasn’t what she had
dreamed about, but it was a start.
    “But first,” continued the agent, “you must
come with me. We need to scan you.”
    Zoey stared at Agent Vargas as he headed
towards the door. Did he just say scan ? Her heart pounded in
her ears. Did he mean a brain scan ?
    Her excitement started to wane. She looked
over to Tristan and Simon who were happily conversing with one
another as they stuffed their pockets with what looked like hair
spray canisters.
    Tristan caught her eye and frowned when he
noticed her panic. He started forward, but Zoey looked away. She
didn’t want him to think she was a scared little girl. Whatever
this scan was, the others had probably gone through it
already, so she would too. It was part of the program after all and
she was determined to see it through no matter what, even if it
meant to have a few brain cells fried.
    Resolute, she followed the big man out of
the room and down the hall. As she marched behind him, her legs
felt like metal posts and didn’t want to move forward. She had to
concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other to keep up
with him. Despite the heat, a cold sweat gathered on her forehead
as she imagined a group of mad scientists poking and probing her
brain with glistening tools as they lobotomized her.
    Before her panic could choke her, Agent
Vargas stopped in front of a great metal door and waited for her to
arrive. She put on her best poker face and joined him. The sign in
black letters at the top of the door read Militia and Defense,
Room 1B
    Leaning forward, she strained her ears but
she couldn’t hear anything from the inside, which was even more
unnerving. Her mouth was painfully dry.
    “Every operative needs to be scanned,” he
said. “You can’t travel unless you’ve had a full body scan these
    He reached inside his pocket and withdrew
two miniature beige cylinders.
    “Put these in. You’re going to need them. I
wouldn’t want you to go deaf on your very first day.” He smiled,
but Zoey wasn’t reassured.
    She stared at his palm. “Earplugs? Why do I
need earplugs?”
    When he didn’t answer, she twisted them in.
The world around her dulled immediately, like when you stick your
head underwater. She noticed that Agent Vargas didn’t use any
    He turned the doorknob. Zoey braced herself
and followed him in.
    The noise hit her first, even with the
earplugs. It was like stepping into a war zone. Explosions, like
firecrackers detonated at the far end of the room and purple and
red toxic-looking smoke clouded the air. A red light flashed,

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