Natasha's Legacy
brought a tear
to Sarah’s eye.
    “Alex. Do you regret kissing me?”
    Regret wasn’t the word he would have chosen,
but he wasn’t able to turn the clock back in time. Ideally, their
first kiss would have occurred in private. “Yes.”
    Tears raced down Sarah’s cheeks. She stared
at the rose Alex had given her earlier in the evening.
    “The timing of the kiss was inappropriate.”
He looked her reflection in the mirror. With his hands on her
shoulder, he turned her around to face him. Reaching for her hands,
he brought her fingers toward his face intending to kiss them, but
changed his mind, not wanting to initiate another kiss without
    “Did you kiss me hoping Elaine would become
    “No. I did not. I embarrassed you this
evening and I humiliated myself. That was not intentional. I regret
the public display, but looking into your eyes, I found myself
captivated by your beauty. The world around us disappeared and for
that brief moment, I wasn’t nervous. I pray, someday, you will
allow me the privilege of another kiss. Allow me to assure you, it
will occur in private.”
    “Do not apologize for kissing me.” A glow
transformed her face with her smile. “You’ll be given the
opportunity to redeem yourself.”
    “I hope so. I cherish our friendship and
would be pleased if it were to continue developing.”
    “That is my hope.”
    Putting her arms around his waist, she
clasped her fingers together. Alex allowed his arms to rest on her
    “I’ve been asked to perform at another
concert. I won’t have an opportunity to sit with you, but I’d be
pleased to request another guest pass if you are interested in
    “It would be an honour to listen to you play
again. It’s getting late. I should return home.”
    He leaned forward to kiss her cheek, but
Sarah pulled back from his touch.
    He cringed. “You’re still upset with me?”
    “This evening’s kiss was inappropriate, but I
have not forgotten it occurred. I will not accept a kiss on my
cheek or hand. Kiss me,” Sarah demanded.
    Appreciating her attitude and the
determination in her voice, Alex placed his fingertips on her
cheeks. Looking into her eyes, the anticipation of another kiss
made his heart pound. “I wasn’t this nervous earlier. My pounding
heart would have stopped me from considering the kiss. You must be
able to hear it.”
    Moving her hands to his shoulders, Sarah
stretched up, closed her eyes, and brought her lips to his. Ecstasy
consumed his being. Alex slid his fingers to the back of Sarah’s
head allowing his palms to brush softly against her cheeks. He
returned a soft, romantic kiss. Pulling back from the embrace, he
looked into her eyes.
    “Am I forgiven?” He raised his eyebrows,
expecting a positive response.
    “For the public kiss? No, but you have
permission to kiss me again.”
    Sarah closed her eyes. Appreciating the view
of her features, he rested his fingers on her cheeks and rubbed his
thumb slowly around her mouth. When she parted her lips, his heart
pounded with such intensity, it would surely burst from his chest.
He closed his eyes and gave her slow, soft, sensual kisses all
around her mouth. Then she returned his kiss. Pulling her body
tight against his, his heart pounded against her chest. What
followed was incredible. The emotions. The utter enjoyment of a
long, romantic kiss.
    Alex opened his eyes when they parted. Sarah
was looking at him.
    “Alexander Venderkemp. I did not expect a
kiss of such passion or intensity. I find myself burning with
desire in your company.”
    Pulling her body against his, the kiss
continued. His entire being craved her touch. He pulled back from
the embrace and looked into her sparkling eyes. “I must
    “I am tempted to ask you to stay.” She
glanced toward her bedroom. “But I don’t want two errors in
judgment this evening.”
    Alex turned and walked toward the lobby. “Do
I have your forgiveness for my error in

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